Sand in the Wind

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Book: Sand in the Wind Read Online Free PDF
Author: Robert Roth
    “That’s what I thought. Where’d you go?”
    “Good school. You didn’t graduate, did you?”
    “Yeah, I managed to.”
    “No shit, you’ll be the only guy in the platoon with a degree. I’ve got three years at the University of Texas. We’ve got quite a few guys with some college in the platoon, a lot more than most platoons. What was your major?”
    “English. What was yours?”
    “How come you didn’t finish?” Chalice asked.
    “I dunno — got bored, had some girl trouble, a lotta reasons. I guess I’ll go back when I get out.    .   .   . Did they ask you to be an officer?”
    “Yeah, a couple a times. That’s not for me.”
    “Same here.”
    “They asked you too, eh? It meant another year on my hitch, one more year of bullshit, giving dumb orders instead of taking them.”
    “That’s the same fucking reason I didn’t go. Hamilton had a chance to be an officer, too. He didn’t want the bullshit either. You’ll meet him later.”
    “They kept on telling me I’d be sorry I didn’t go to OCS. Is it true?”
    “Naw, you go through a lot more bullshit as an enlisted man; but when you’re a civilian, the Marine Corps will still be fucking with them. I guess you’ve got a better chance of getting killed though.”
    “What’s the story on Sergeant Kovacs?”
    “He’s damn straight. If he tells you to do something, do it. He don’t fuck with you unless he has to. A lot of guys around here’d be dead if it wasn’t for him.    .   .   . He’s roughstreet. You can tell by looking at him. If him and ten other guys went out on a patrol and only one came back, he’d be the one.    .   .   . You know you’re lucky to be in my squad. By some miracle, we’ve got the most intelligent squad in the company. You’d go batshit in some of the other squads just looking for someone to talk to. Our platoon ain’t bad either.”
    “Do the lifers fuck with you much?”
    “Yeah. I guess as long as you’re in the Marine Corps you’re gonna get fucked with. It’s a little better here than stateside, but not as much as everybody expects. They can’t harass you too much, it’s too easy to get even. The company commander, Captain Trippitt, and Martin, the gunnery sergeant, are both bastards. You’ll find out.    .   .   . What rank are you?”
    “Lance Corporal.”
    “How’d you make lance?”
    “At language school.”
    “No shit, I was supposed to go there, but they fucked up my orders. How was it?”
    “Man, it was a beautiful scene. I couldn’t believe the Marine Corps had anything to do with it. On weekends we used to go to San Francisco, or Big Sur, or Carmel.”
    “Yeah, I was really pissed off I didn’t get to go.    .   .   . I’m putting you in Tony 5’s fire team. He doesn’t talk much, but when he does, pay attention. It might save your life. He knows what he’s doing, and besides he’s got a bad temper. You don’t wanna piss him off.”
    While they were talking, four men walked in the front door and sat down on the first few cots. They were getting up a card game when Harmon called out, “Hamilton, come here a minute.”
    Hamilton got up and walked towards them. “Hey man, how was your R and R?”
    “Great.    .   .   . I want you to meet Chalice, here. He’s gonna be in our squad. I’m putting him in Tony 5’s fire team.”
    “Glad to meet you. I’m Harmon’s other fire team leader, Doug Hamilton.”
    “I’m Mark Chalice.”
    As they were shaking hands, another person walked over. He was short and slight, with straight black hair hanging over his dark forehead. “Harmon, you motherfucker, when’d you get back?” he asked in a fast talking, high pitched voice.
    “A few minutes ago. This is a new guy in our squad, Mark Chalice. Chalice, this is A1 Payne. He’ll tell you anything you want to know. The sooner you forget what he tells you, the better off you’ll
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