Sanctuary (Freaks MC Book 2)

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Book: Sanctuary (Freaks MC Book 2) Read Online Free PDF
Author: Sarah Osborne
looking but had other priorities. They needed to find this witness and stay under the Feds’ radar. He got it, but it didn't sit well with him. The kid had been killed, someone had to pay – he threw his cigarette on the floor – and if the club wouldn't do it, he would.
    He looked up and waited for Barney to catch up. “Something you need?”
    “No... I just saw you head out. Wanted to talk to you before you left.” Barney hesitated and ran his fingers through his hair. “Listen, man. I know you think we should be doing more to find the assholes that jumped you. We will, I swear. But right now, we need to be smart. The last thing we need is for you to start stirring shit up.”
    Samson felt his hands ball up into a fist. “Wolf send you? No. Don't answer that.” He glared at the sergeant at arms. “You can tell Wolf that I've no intention of fucking things up for the club, but I ain't gonna let this go. Now run along and deliver the message like the good little errand boy that you are.” He turned and marched to his bike, leaving Barney staring behind him.
    ~ oOo ~
    The truck stop looked deserted as he pulled up onto the lot. Samson killed the engine and undid his helmet. He hadn't even been aware that he'd been heading back to Idaho until he'd been on the road for over an hour. Shit! He unzipped his cut and pulled out a cigarette. It had happened before after spending time with Emma – this odd feeling of displacement – but he'd never acted on it. A couple of days with his brothers and of fucking faceless whores was enough to shake it off.
    This time, he hadn't been thinking. He had been angry and – if he was honest – hurt at his brothers' apparent indifference to what had happened. He was still angry, but at least now his mind was a little clearer. He finished his cigarette and, firing up his bike, headed back to Seattle.
    He'd expected Beth to be in bed when he'd let himself into the house, but she was in the kitchen, tapping away at her laptop. She looked up and smiled. “Hey. I wasn't expecting you tonight.”
    He shrugged and headed for the fridge. “Care to explain why the back door was unlocked and you ain't pointing that ittybitty gun of yours at me?”
    “My gun is locked in the safe. I'm not sure if you'd noticed, but there's a two-year-old running around the place now, and the door isn't locked because I unlocked it when I heard your bike from about a mile away.” She closed the laptop. “So how come you're not at the party?”
    He shrugged. “Not in the mood, I guess.” He grabbed a beer. “I'm gonna head up to bed. I'll see you in the morning.”
    “Okay. Goodnight.” She looked up. “Samson... Is something going on.... With Joe?”
    Shit! He turned. “You know better than to ask me that, baby girl.”
    “So there is. Something happened on that run, didn't it?”
    “ Beth.” His tone was warning, but his heart broke for the woman sitting at the table, those big brown eyes full of worry. He held out his arms. “C'mere.”
    “ I know I'm not being paranoid. I know him, Samson.” She wrapped her arms around his waist. “I know something's up.”
    Fucking Tiny. Samson held her close and stroked her hair. Time and time again, his brother underestimated his remarkable old lady. “You gotta ask him, baby girl.”
    “I know.” She pushed herself away from him and sat back down. “I'm sorry, I shouldn't have asked.”
    This was why he'd never take an old lady. He could never ask that of Emma. “You okay, baby girl?”
    She nodded. “Yeah. I'm okay. Goodnight.”
    He should have just wished her goodnight and gone to bed. But he found himself pulling out a chair and sitting opposite her. “How do you do it, Beth?”
    “Do what?”
    “ This.” He stretched out his arms. “How do you deal with all the shit that comes with being tied to a Freak? Why the fuck would you put yourself through that?”
    “ I love him.” She smiled. “I'm sure there are
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