Salvation for Three

Salvation for Three Read Online Free PDF

Book: Salvation for Three Read Online Free PDF
Author: Liza Curtis Black
they reached the hidden gate to the subter colony. He approached the mountain under the jagged cliffs edge and pressed both hands into the rocks, mentally pushing the door to reveal itself. There was a faint whishing sound as the rocks disappeared, the hologram vanishing as the metal skin of the door came into view.
    Tirin eased back into the machine, piloting forward into the freight elevator. "Subter 3." He issued the command and the glide below the surface began.
    "Our mate is well? She continues to heal?" He tapped the link back, unprepared for the blast of sexual heat that met him when the mental path was opened. Cian shook with need, holding the woman.
    "Tirin, she is healing…and fertile." Cian answered, suppressing a groan.
    " She is in cycle? " Tirin felt his cock pulse, his length growing 30
    uncomfortable in his skin suit. " Why is there no scent? " He turned in the pilot's seat to look into the eyes of his fellow hunter. Cian's jaw clenched, a sheen of perspiration on his skin. His hands had stilled, no longer roaming the curves of the woman he held. His look was one of torture, and he sent that torture back to Tirin. Grim faced, his jaw set he answered.
    "She is masked. Something hides her perfume from us. This bondhunter, it appears, has survived by hiding her true nature. This is what brought her to us." Cian motioned to him. "You have but to touch her…"
    Tirin rose and crossed into the passenger bay, crouching beside Cian and the woman. Reaching out to touch her face, he focused his thoughts and opened a wider mental path with the other hunter. The faint scent of ripe Devorian pears came to him, making the surge of need even greater. He was already engorged to the point of pain but grew harder. His gaze shot back to his commander. He struggled to form a coherent thought, and then shook himself. "She smells of ripe, sweet fruit. Why did it not come to me when she took down the runner? The mask is this effective?"
    Cian shook his head, silver eyes darkening to blue . "Her fragrance is of a Telaura vine…sweet yes, but heady like musk." He saw Tirin's perplexed look and gave a sharp laugh and spoke out loud through clenched teeth. "She calls to each of us with the scent we most desire. I have seen you waste your credits to indulge in Devorian fruit. It intoxicates you. The same for me with the musky vine I spoke of. Her mask may hide her fertility but touch betrays this female to her true mates."
    The woman stirred in Cian's arms. She moved against Tirin's hand, leaning into him, inadvertently shifting against Cian's shaft.
    "These injuries must heal and soon, Tirin. Her need will grow as ours.
    The more time we are in company, and we cannot leave her to her devices, the hotter she will burn."
    Tirin felt Cian send a soothing wave edged with desire into the
    female's inner thoughts, again pushing the healing process. He lifted the eye shield of the helmet, knowing it would make the burn in his gut stronger but unable to resist looking at the female he had waited almost one hundred moon turns to find. Pale and bruised, dried blood smeared a cheek, and her face had begun to swell one side.
    "She is strong. Another would have died in the crash. Foolish but strong." The hunter sought comfort in the thought that now their mate was safe. Nothing would take the steel from his cock at this moment but impaling this woman, as hard and deep as he could drive. He tried to find the ice in his veins that every warrior called upon but relied instead on his bot implant.
    Tirin hissed at the agony of the hormone blast. While his female lay injured, he must shelter and protect. The time for filling her would come soon enough. With Cian's healing gift, they would soon claim the female.
    The thud of the landing into the colony's arrival port pulled him up and away from the entrancing smell of Devorian pears.


Chapter 4
    She was drifting in a haze of need lying surrounded by heat.
    There was no pain only the scent
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