SAFE: A Stepbrother Romance

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Book: SAFE: A Stepbrother Romance Read Online Free PDF
Author: Emma Hunter
before he struck gold with his game. The
new family had several amazing years together traveling the world, young
Jillian and Brad fitting neatly into their lives since she was a sweet, amenable
child who tolerated the hotels, planes, and travel with ease. Brad was the
quiet brooding type.

then the accident took Debra when Jillian was only seven. It came out of
nowhere and had taken the second love of Michael’s life away. Despite moving
back with his biological father, Brad always felt like an older brother to
Jillian. Even when he got older and they started seeing less and less of each
other. At least, that’s what he told himself.

could he go from that to the man who fucked her every night? To the guy who
would tie her up and beat her with a riding crop? To the one who would share
her with the other dominants in his life? His sex life was his sex life. He had
given up on vanilla long ago and was old enough and experienced enough to know
he couldn’t go back. But to actually bring his Jillian into his world—the idea
was untenable to him. Or, at least, he thought it should have been.

continued to look at him expectantly, and he came back to the present with a

You don’t know what you’re asking. It’s not me.”

time, he didn’t give her a chance to answer. He climbed back on his bike and
rode away leaving her standing there staring after him as his bike roared into
the night.

    Three- Release

the following days Jillian took a break from the clubs and bars. Her new sexy
clothes hung, ignored, in her closet, and when she wasn’t at work she spent
most of her time at home writing in her journal. She knew it was old fashioned
to use pen and paper, but she felt much more in tune with her thoughts without
the noise pollution output by a clacking keyboard.

a rainy Sunday morning, she sat on her couch and wrote furiously trying to get
down the entire dream she had last night before it disappeared into the
recesses of her memory.

    I’d done something bad again. I don’t
know what. He had to arrest me again. But when he showed up at my apartment, he
cuffed me. Instead of taking me down to his car, he dragged me into my bedroom
kicking and screaming. Like he’d threatened to do before, he forced me over his
knee. Suddenly, I was naked in the dream. He was spanking me and I yelled and
cried. No matter how hard I tried to get away, I couldn’t. He wouldn’t let me

    Then, suddenly, the dream changed. We
were at some kind of sports arena but there was no game. Me and Brad and, she
could barely write it down and sent a silent apology out to Dave’s wife, Dave were in the middle. We were having sex.
Brad was between my legs and Dave was in my mouth.

slammed her notebook shut and tossed it to the floor, her face flaming with
shame. She couldn’t believe she had dreamed about being with two men at once. She
had grown used to fantasizing about Brad, but one of them was Dave! It was his
own fault for being so flawless and beautiful. His muscles wrapped up nice and
tight under his dark skin were too much to ignore.

up off the couch, she put the notebook away in her room, in the back of her
closet where she kept it hidden. It was time to get ready for Sunday brunch at
her dad’s. Brad would be there. She hadn’t seen him since the night at the club
and wanted to look her best. When she got into the shower, she couldn’t shake
her dream out of her thoughts.

inside of her knew Dave had just been a placeholder. Any man could have been
there, pumping his cock in and out of her mouth while Brad fucked her. It was the
thoughts of Brad she focused on. She had to work it out in her mind before she
could put it on paper.

sort of strange instinct or sixth sense was telling her that if she became
involved with Brad, she may very well find herself a part of a scene like from
her dream. Maybe
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