SAFE: A Stepbrother Romance

SAFE: A Stepbrother Romance Read Online Free PDF

Book: SAFE: A Stepbrother Romance Read Online Free PDF
Author: Emma Hunter
wrapping her arms around his waist,
pressing her breasts against his back.

What do you think you’re doing?” he asked, his voice tight with frustration.

scared I’ll fall off.”

that would be because?”

didn’t answer. Finally, she felt him sigh but he didn’t say anything else, only
turned the bike on and backed away from the curb before taking off down the

was a short drive back to her apartment. She got off the bike and stood on the
sidewalk. Suddenly feeling shy and nervous, she lowered her eyes to the

you going to come inside?” she asked.

And I’d appreciate it if you forgot everything about tonight. It was
inappropriate. Your father was my stepdad, and you’re like a sister to me.” He
spoke in an oddly robotic tone that both scared and angered her.

you kidding me?” she cried, finally looking at him. “How can I forget that? You
had your hand…”

know where I had my fucking hand.” He snatched his helmet off and rubbed his
face in frustrated exhaustion.

his eyes and counting to ten, he tried to think of anything he could say to
make sense of the evening and get his Jilly back on the right path.

himself to be calm, he opened his eyes and looked at her standing there, pride
and shame waring inside her. He got off the bike and stood in front of her,
catching her hands in his.

at me,” Brad ordered, “I know there’s something going on with you. You’re
looking for something and your search is bringing you places you shouldn’t be.
For a moment I thought maybe I could be what you needed, and I could keep you
safe. But I just...I just can’t. I’m not the answer.”

took in what he said. She didn’t have a ton of experience, but she had been
with a few men. The sex was nice, but nothing earth shattering. She knew she
was different from all the women who attached a lot of emotional significance
to sex. It didn’t have the same weight with her. But what she didn’t know was
what she really wanted from a man. For some reason gentle touches and sweet
caresses only left her frustrated and wanting something more.

was the first time she felt a glimmer of getting what she wanted all along. It
had been intense. Animalistic.

had ceased to be her old stepbrother and instantly become her lover. It had
been that easy to see him in a different light, and she was surprisingly
comfortable with the transition. But, obviously, it wasn’t the same for him.
And she felt like he was holding back something else...some other reason for
why they couldn’t be together. But it was only a fleeting feeling she had,
nothing concrete she could ask him about.

gave her a moment to think about what he said before continuing, “I need you to
take better care of yourself. You know you mean the world to me. Please, figure
out what it is you’re looking for and then go find it in a safe way. Can you do
that for me?”

felt herself getting frustrated, unconsciously wringing her hands together and
shuffling her feet.

I don’t know how…” she said in a whisper. “I don’t know what I want or how to
find it. You say you can’t be the answer, but you were. You were the answer
tonight. For the first time I felt like I had found what I’ve been needing.”

stared at her, unable to keep still in her agitation, holding herself like a
child even though she wore a grown up’s dress and had grown up desires. He was
beginning to suspect there was a chance she might actually belong in his world
after all. But that seemed too easy. How could life possibly work that way and
hand him the girl he had yearned for as the perfect submissive for him. This
was the real world, not some erotic novel he downloaded off the internet.

had married Brad’s mom, Debra, right
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