credit cards. We won’t rule out anything, though.”
She nodded. It would be difficult to believe that someone would try and rob Uncle Lou while working on his ranch. A random robbery didn’t fit well for her either, and she could sense that Detective Davis reflected that thought.
“ She’s much younger than your uncle, isn’t she? Your aunt? Cynthia Bancroft.”
Michaela hesitated before answering. She could see where Detective Davis might be headed with this line of questioning, but he had it all wrong. Cyn really did love Uncle Lou. Sure, her own family had wondered when Lou had introduced all of them to her and learned that she was twenty-five years younger, but over time it was easy to see that she loved him dearly, that she was good-hearted and down to earth. “Yes, that’s true. She’s only a few years older than me. Why? What does that have to do with anything?” She set her cup down and crossed her arms.
“ Ms. Bancroft, I have a job to do. I have to ask these questions. I know the timing isn’t great, but it’s necessary.”
Michaela shrugged. “They didn’t have any problems that I knew of.” She thought briefly about the conversation she’d had the night before with Uncle Lou— the way he’d sounded
She’d meant to get to the bottom of it today. Were he and Cyn having some type of problem, or did he know that someone wanted him dead?
“ Are there others who work here?”
She nodded. “Dwayne Yamaguchi is the head trainer and is assisted by his cousin Sam, but the truck and trailer are gone. I assume they took horses over to Las Vegas, probably yesterday.”
“ Why would he do that?”
“ The National Finals Rodeo begins this weekend and Dwayne will be competing. I think the guys planned on heading out yesterday, and Bean would be the one sort of running things here with my uncle.”
“ Bean?”
“ I don’t know his real name. He’s a tall skinny guy.”
“ What does he do here?”
“ He’s kind of a caretaker and ranch hand, helps out where he’s needed.”
“ You haven’t seen him around this morning?”
“ No. I’m not surprised though. He’s, um, well, he has some mental problems.”
“ What do you mean mental problems, exactly?”
“ Well, it’s not like he’s crazed or dangerous. He’s a bit slow. He had a head injury as a kid. In fact, he really acts like a child in a lot of ways.”
“ Why did your uncle keep him around then?”
“ Bean is good with the animals. He’s very conscientious about them and he looked up to my uncle, kind of like an older brother. I think he’s probably not too much younger than my uncle.”
“ Do you know where he lives?”
“ No. I don’t. Cynthia might know.”
“ All right. Thanks. Anyone else work here that you can give me some information on?”
Michaela sighed. “Well, Summer MacTavish does the books for my uncle. She’s the ranch accountant, but she’s not here daily. I believe she comes in once a week to do payroll and accounts receivable. I’m really not certain of her schedule.”
Another cruiser pulled up. Michaela saw Cynthia in the back.
When it stopped she got out and came running to Michaela. “What happened? They said . . . they said that it’s Lou. That he’s . . . Is he, Michaela? Is Lou . . . ? Did someone . . .” she cried. Her taut face lacked its usual olive glow, now appearing almost alabaster against her brunette hair.
Michaela’s stomach twisted and she closed her eyes, hoping the words would come. Instead, she wrapped her arms around Cynthia. “I’m sorry, I’m so sorry,” she whispered.
Wracking sobs overtook Cynthia and Michaela couldn’t contain her sadness any longer. They held each other for long moments and cried. Michaela didn’t want to let go. Maybe if they stayed like this, she’d wake up and it would all turn out to be a nightmare. It had to be that— some horrible dream— or a joke. She felt Cyn waver and start to lose ground. The