Running in Place (Mending Hearts)

Running in Place (Mending Hearts) Read Online Free PDF

Book: Running in Place (Mending Hearts) Read Online Free PDF
Author: L.B. Simmons
really surprising since his head seems to be up Sadie’s ass.” She turns to stare at Tatum, who’s now dancing with Sadie, drink in hand. “What the hell are they still doing here anyway? They’re such losers.”
    She twirls her hair around her finger and smacks her gum while eyeing them. Turning back to me, she places her hand on her hip and just stares at me. Impatiently, I try to move around her, but she steps in front of me, yapping some more, but not before she grazes her chest against mine. “Noah. Are you listening?”
    Grumbling inwardly, I take in a deep breath. I don’t have time for this shit. “Ryder, I need to get back to work. Can you move please?” She looks back over her shoulder at Tatum, who’s now started dancing way too seductively with Sadie to David Guetta’s Sexy Bitch as it begins to play over the sound system. I need to catch this before it gets out of control. Before she gets out of control.
    Trying once again to step around her, Ryder moves herself again into my path. “No, you need to comp my drinks. What’s the big rush anyway? Daniel’s got the bar covered — obviously , judging by those two.” She tilts her head and waits for me to respond. Unfortunately, I can’t take my eyes off of Tatum. Or her ass. Those shorts are too goddamn short.
    From the corner of my eye, I watch as two dickwads start moving in her direction. That’s when I decide it’s time to make a break for it. I need to get over there.
    Placing my hand on Ryder’s shoulder, I brush her to the side as gently as I can with her resisting me. “Noah!” is the last thing I hear before I tune her out, because the only thing I can focus on right now is the fact that one of those dickwad’s hands has molded itself right onto Tatum’s ass. My blood pressure skyrockets and my feet step it up triple time. Marching up to them, I deliberately slam Dickwad Number One’s shoulder with mine. Tatum stumbles back a bit, and I try to reign in the anger seething through my entire body as I watch him cop another feel, but the second his hand cups her left ass cheek, all control is lost.
    “Hand. Off. Her. Ass. Now.”
    Fists balled at my sides, I’m more than ready to throw down if I need to. But, when she turns to face me, Dickwad finally releases her and steps two full paces away. Smart. My hands instinctively relax on their own, but I make sure to crack my neck slowly for further emphasis. After he moves an additional four feet away from her, my attention falls solely onto Tatum. “What the fuck happened to you?”
    I move my gaze to glare at Sadie who is once again trying to pull puppy-dog eyes, but that shit is not going to work this time. My eyes form into slits as I shake my head at her.
    “Nice, Sadie. I’m glad that you accomplished your goal of getting her completely obliterated tonight. Was that the plan all along when you guys sent me on a wild Trace chase ?” I jerk my head at Daniel, who’s pretending not to listen to this conversation. Well, at least he’s making drinks.
    Tatum moves herself between me and Sadie, losing her balance — again. I place my hand under her elbow to support her, but she jerks her arm away. “What the fuck happened to me? What the fuck happened to you?” she yells above the music. If I weren’t so pissed right now I would laugh. That doesn’t even make sense.
    “I’m fine. I’m always fine, Noah,” she slurs while waving her arms in the air. “I don’t know why you feel like you have to say something about everything ! Jesus!”
    She turns to Sadie. “Can we just dance, please? Screw him.”
    Sadie apologetically glances back at me before nodding her response. After watching them for a while I eventually head back behind the bar, making sure to glare another warning to Dickwad Number One the entire way. I think he finally gets the point.
    As soon as I round the corner, a pair of tan legs and cowboy boots climb their way onto the bar top. My eyes find the ceiling and
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