ROMULUS (The Innerworld Affairs Series, Book 1)

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Book: ROMULUS (The Innerworld Affairs Series, Book 1) Read Online Free PDF
Author: Marilyn Campbell
Not that there was anything really wrong with him. His sexual skills were perfect and he had easily brought her to a satisfying release, but she could do that much without him. She had realized his emotions were not involved in the physical activity and that had left her feeling very unsettled. He had even seemed surprised when she had encouraged their becoming physically intimate.
    Tarla had quickly discovered her competition and knew there was no contesting it. His work was his mistress and his political aspirations the only future to which he gave any lingering thought. Rom was never rude or inconsiderate but at times she thought she was working for an android. Only on rare occasions, like tonight, did he relax enough to have any fun.
    "Sorry it took me so long," he said when he finally extricated himself from the two men.
    "That's okay. I figured you were fighting off your fans in the locker room."
    "Actually those guys were only part of it. I also took a few minutes in the whirlpool. My body already feels like I was run over by a marsh bull."
    "And you loved every minute of it. Listen, why not come back to my place? We could have dinner and if you're real nice, you might get a massage."
    Romulus laughed and put an arm around her shoulders. "You don't have to ask me twice. I don't think I could keep up this charade much longer."
    Being pulled to his side as they walked made Tarla aware of the other thing that nagged at her when she was with Rom. She knew she was slender but she was hardly a stick, and at five foot three she had never thought of herself as a dwarf. Rom towered over her by a full twelve inches, making her feel like a miniature person. Some women liked feeling that way but, it only made her feel invisible.
    By the time they entered her apartment, he had already recounted each detail of the game at least twice. "I cannot believe how great that guy was. He played the part of the Black Knight better than anyone I've ever seen, dirty tricks and all. I asked around but no one admitted to knowing which trainer he was. I guess it adds to the mystique of the game. One of these days I'll figure it out, though, and I'll take him on again. I think I should be ready in about two years." They both laughed heartily as he collapsed on the couch with an enormous groan.
    Tarla gave her facilities manager their dinner instructions and, a few minutes later, set a platter of appetizers in front of her guest. "I heard from my father, the bigot, today."
    "Shame on you, Tarla, talking about your esteemed parent that way!" Rom was teasing her. He knew well the extent of the man's prejudice.
    "Oh, you know I love him, but he won't listen to reason where Terrans are concerned."
    Rom winced automatically. Although the term literally referred to humans born on Earth's surface, it was too often used in a derogatory manner.
    Tarla shrugged. "It seems a family of them moved in next door to him and he's absolutely beside himself. It might turn out to be the best thing that could have happened. If he would only take the time to get to know them, he might have to admit the fact that our colony is quite safe in spite of those creatures running around loose.
    "I remember how shocked I was the first time one was pointed out to me. I had expected them to walk on all fours and have fangs that could tear my throat out if I crossed their path. I certainly never thought they would look the same as us. When I realized what nonsense he had spouted all those years, I was so angry I was ready to go out and join with one just to shake him up. I didn't care that it was against the law."
    Shaking his head, Rom recalled how furious her father had been when Tarla went to work for him. That man still blamed him personally for the Terrans in Innerworld being integrated into society over twenty years ago.
    Through the years Rom had worked closely with Governor Elissa in her efforts to grant equal rights to Terrans and they had been highly successful. Only a few
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