ways. He picked what he was comfortable with. Beer, bikes, movies, beaches and Vegas were his idea of fun, but drugs and womanizing were not—he steered clear of them. His gang friends started calling him “weirdo” because of his peculiar tastes and habits. Even though they found his actions “weird” Carlo trusted him and so they accepted him as one of them.
It was true that the hard life he led had toughened Steve up considerably, but it could not harden his heart. For this reason he could seldom conserve the money he earned – and he was earning plenty. He would invariably give away the money he had to the needy and homeless vagabonds he frequently ran across while on the streets he used to call home.
While living on the streets of Los Angeles for a few months (before he joined with the gang), he had discovered that the people of the street always looked out for each other. And that is exactly what they did with him. And he wanted to repay their helpfulness. “I can always earn more. When I was on the streets, they helped me with what little they had” he would remind himself.
Although his compassion for the poor and homeless made him a favorite with the destitute in his area, his other transgressions soon landed Steve in trouble.
He was lucky to have youth on his side. Due to his tender age, he was let off by the police a couple of times with stiff warnings. But he, along with his friends, continued to steal and break the law until his luck ran out. And over a period of ten years he received three prison sentences.
In the prison, and away from his friends, Steve had plenty of time to himself. The seclusion of his cell provided him the time and opportunity to reflect and search his soul. In the darkness of his cell he could hear the voices of his beloved parents, “this is not you Steve, you must stop!” over and over.
His once thrilling life soon became unexciting, lackluster, and onerous.
He was now twenty six. Out of the ten years he had expended with the gang, four years had been spent in prison. And after his third conviction, which procured him a prison sentence of two years, Steve decided he had had enough of his “friends” and the life of crime he was leading. He had had enough of cops, jails, courts, and prison. For that matter had had enough of gangs and their illicit acts. He knew deep in his heart that he was not born to be a criminal, but to be someone far greater than a gang member. In his moment of clarity he wondered aloud “What the hell am I doing here?”
The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree, does it? Steve started longing to be like his parents—well educated, well-respected, law-abiding folks, upstanding in the community.
He now wanted to put his past behind him; he wanted to quit the gang and start a new life and pursue a new and respectable career, but what new career? No decent business establishment would give him a job because of his links with an infamous L.A. gang, and a prison record. Who would give a decent job to a felon? He would wonder gloomily. Then one fine day he realized there was only one establishment; only one business which would give him a decent job and a remarkable career—his own establishment!
“ Yes that’s the solution, I will set up my own business” Steve thought excitedly. While serving as a waiter in the tiny Mexican restaurant where he had met Carlo, Steve realized he had a flair for business and a knack for serving people. He knew exactly what they were looking for when they came to eat in that tiny Mexican restaurant. He would give them the food they craved and the service they enjoyed. He was confident he could set up a successful restaurant in California, a state which had a dense population of hard working and ravenous people!
The perfect place for starting a chain of restaurants!
And to own a chain of restaurants, he would first have to establish at least one successful