Romance: Welcome to Zombie Island: A Tale of Zombie Romance and Survival (Post-Apocalyptic, Zombie, Spirit, Survival)

Romance: Welcome to Zombie Island: A Tale of Zombie Romance and Survival (Post-Apocalyptic, Zombie, Spirit, Survival) Read Online Free PDF Page B

Book: Romance: Welcome to Zombie Island: A Tale of Zombie Romance and Survival (Post-Apocalyptic, Zombie, Spirit, Survival) Read Online Free PDF
Author: Natalie Nixon
nervously as the white woman spoke in some unknown tongue, her voice growing louder with each sentence. The strange lights he'd seen earlier whirled above them. He glanced at his men. "Everyone stay calm. If anybody raises a weapon I'll kill them myself."
    Cass' heart rose as the strange words tumbled from her lips, rising to a screaming crescendo, and then… silence. The mysterious lights faded away with her words. The soldiers just stood there, unsure of what to do. Chavez knelt down by the captain's body and examined it. He was still dead. 
    He glared at Cass, "You've failed. Now we are all dead. Kill her."
    Five weapons were raised and cocked as one.
    Then the captain’s body stirred, gasping for air.
    "Wait!" Chavez yelled, cradling the captain's head in his arms. "Captain, you’re alive, it's a miracle!" he rejoiced.
    The captain’s eyes popped open in a burst, and he stared at Chavez for a moment. Chavez pulled his head even closer to his own chest, relieved beyond measure. Then, in an instant, the captain twisted his head, biting down on Chavez's hand, severing three fingers in the act.
    "Shoot him!" The sergeant screamed, clutching his partially eaten hand.
    The men looked on in confusion. Even though the captain had become a flesh-eating monster… he still outranked Sergeant Chavez. 
    From where she was standing ten feet away, Cass muttered the only words her terrified mind could process, "Holy shit!"
    They all watched the captain spastically trying to stand up. Then a shriek pierced the stillness of the jungle, followed by another until a cacophony of agonized screams echoed through the night. All eyes turned to the ancient cemetery. A headstone toppled over, then another. A mausoleum burst open. Figures appeared in the moonlight, staggering at first but slowly gaining their balance, moving towards their position.
    Cass began crawling away from the group. The soldiers were far too distracted by the apparently walking dead to even notice.
    One of the men raised his AK-47 and fired into the oncoming mass. The resurrected bodies lurched from the impact, and then just continued toward them, perhaps even faster. The first wave or rotting bodies was on them then and leapt onto the soldiers, grabbing and biting ferociously. Cass saw three descend on Chavez, tearing him literally limb from limb.
    A corporal tried to rally the men, "Shoot them in the head, I saw it on television!" He fired a burst directly into the face of an oncoming zombie. The bullets did exactly nothing to stop the oncoming ghoul. "Fucking movies!" The soldier screamed as the zombie sank its teeth into his neck.
    Cass continued crawling until a weak, almost whispered voice stopped her.
    "Cass," it said, "It's me".
    Cass crawled toward the voice and froze. It was Talin's decapitated head struggling to speak. "I can help you." He whispered, only communicating with great effort.
    "By this point she was almost lost the ability to be shocked. Somehow accepting that he was speaking at all, all she could do was ask, “But why aren't you a zombie?"
    "The spirit protected my soul. Now pick me up and go to the hut."
    "But those things are everywhere!"
    "Trust me," He said. Wow, she thought, I don’t even want to think about the PTSD this is gonna bring on.
    Cass scooped up Talin's head and staggered into the hut, slamming the flimsy door behind her. Automatic weapons fire and screams filled the air outside. Through the small window she saw a soldier dragged to the ground by a zombie tearing at his throat. Moments later the soldier rose again, this time pouncing on one of his comrades.
    "Jesus, anyone who dies comes back as a zombie! At least the movies got that part right. So what do we do now?" Cass asked, fighting to maintain her sanity.
    "That wicker basket is full of salt. Make a circle of it on the ground."
    She groped around and found the basket. Grabbing handfuls of salt she formed a circle around the two of them. Some of the zombies bashed at the
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