Romance: Welcome to Zombie Island: A Tale of Zombie Romance and Survival (Post-Apocalyptic, Zombie, Spirit, Survival)

Romance: Welcome to Zombie Island: A Tale of Zombie Romance and Survival (Post-Apocalyptic, Zombie, Spirit, Survival) Read Online Free PDF

Book: Romance: Welcome to Zombie Island: A Tale of Zombie Romance and Survival (Post-Apocalyptic, Zombie, Spirit, Survival) Read Online Free PDF
Author: Natalie Nixon
broken pottery and smiled. He picked it up, testing its balance for a moment. He glanced at Sergeant Chavez who nodded in approval. Captain Marcos raised the sword and swung with all his might.
    Talin's eyes widened as the blade sliced through his neck, cleanly decapitating him.
    Cass stared in horror as Talin's headless body tumbled backwards. She hid her head as it appeared it would land directly in the roaring bonfire. She could not bear to watch. Her hand found something in the darkness and clutched it tightly.
    The captain held up Talin's head, displaying it to his men. "My brother asked for proof, so we will bring him a trophy!"
    The men applauded nervously.
    Cass' fingers tightened around the handle of a machete. There was no conscious thought, no plan of attack… only burning rage. Her legs launched her forward like an Olympian.
    Sergeant Chavez saw the naked woman wielding a machete race out of the hut howling like a banshee. He rushed to stop her, but it was too late. The screaming woman buried the machete in the captain's chest just as Chavez tackled her. They tumbled to the ground, and it took every ounce of his strength to pin down her arms. Captain Marcos slowly crumpled to the dirt, the priest's head still tightly clutched in his hands. Every soldier raised his rifle, ready to kill Cass.
    "No!" the sergeant screamed, realizing he was directly in the line of fire, and that regardless, the Colonel would undoubtedly want her brought to him alive. As he looked at the dead captain the further repercussions of what had happened came to him. "You two, grab her," he shouted to the men.
    Two soldiers rushed forward pulling Cass to her feet. Chavez slapped her with all his strength, and then addressed his men. 
    "Do you idiots realize what has happened? The colonel's brother was killed on our watch! Do you understand what will happen to us? Remember that shack behind the sugar plantation where we brought prisoners to the colonel? Remember hearing the screams that went on for days as he tortured them? Well that is what will happen to us!"
    The men stared at him in silence, remembering the tortured screams all to well.
    Chavez looked at Cass for a moment, formulating a plan, "She knows the priest's spells," He reached down and picked up the ancient book, "Voodoo priests can bring back the dead, my father saw it happen. This woman studied under Talin and knows his magic. She can surely bring the captain back to life."
    The men looked at him nervously until one finally spoke, "He’ll be nothing but a zombie!"
    Chavez shrugged, "Maybe or maybe not…but he will be alive, which is all we need right now.
    Besides, even if he did return as a zombie, who would notice? The captain was a renowned imbecile, after all.
    The men forced Cass down to her knees as Chavez grabbed her by the chin to turn her face up towards him, "You will bring him back."
    Cass looked at him defiantly, "Too bad I'm only a bartender! But I'd be happy to make you a Mojito you fucking maniac!"
    Chavez slapped her hard across the face. He gestured for the men to release her, as he dropped the book in front of her. " You will find the right spell and you will bring him back."
    Cass reconsidered her options. Defiance is the worst tactic to take in this situation. She just couldn’t stop herself before. She was reeling. She had to get her head in the game. She knew that when captured the best plan was to cooperate and bide your time until you could escape. She thumbed through the ancient text. It was in a forgotten language, all symbols and sketches. She closed her eyes for a moment, praying for some guidance.
    Then she heard the familiar voice in her head. "I will guide you," said the spirit Litha, "Have faith. Remember we are in your debt." Cass opened her eyes and looked at the page. The text was now in western letters. She didn't know what the words meant, but that wasn't important. Her lips moved, but it was Litha's voice that rang out.
    Chavez fidgeted
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