ROMANCE: Turned on by the Wolf (Paranormal Werewolf Shifter Sweet Romance) (New Adult Holiday Contemporary Romance Short Stories)

ROMANCE: Turned on by the Wolf (Paranormal Werewolf Shifter Sweet Romance) (New Adult Holiday Contemporary Romance Short Stories) Read Online Free PDF Page A

Book: ROMANCE: Turned on by the Wolf (Paranormal Werewolf Shifter Sweet Romance) (New Adult Holiday Contemporary Romance Short Stories) Read Online Free PDF
Author: Sicily Duval
glowing in the
night. I could just imagine what he would look like naked – muscled and strong,
I would probably be able to trace the individual muscles with my finger. Or my
tongue. I knew he was cut under all those snow clothes. Or fur coat.
    I shook my head and snorted. “Yeah, well. Good thing you
thought about it.” Inwardly I scolded myself for thinking dirty thoughts about
him. I didn’t like him. He was a werewolf. A freak of nature. He was weird and
I didn’t need that kind of drama in my life.
    A shudder traveled through my body and I told myself it
was the cold, not the fact that I was alone with George in the woods, and he
had mentioned his body.
    Another hour later I was about ready to fall over. I
couldn’t feel my fingers or my toes anymore. For that matter I couldn’t feel
any part of my body. My shoulder ached in time with my pulse, which kept changing
speed, and my head felt airy.
    When I tried to climb over a stick and tripped, George
crouched down next to me.
    “Are you alright?”
    “I’m fine,” I lied. I wasn’t fine at all.
    “I think we need to rest. We can head out again in the
    “We can’t overnight in this place,” I said, still lying in
the snow. My teeth started chattering and tremors spread over the rest of my
    George paced around, fanning out from where I was. I
pushed myself up so I was sitting in the snow, and pulled up my knees, huddling
in a little ball.
    A few minutes later, George returned.
    “There’s a hollow a bit further up we can stay in. If I
block off the one side a bit and we make a fire, we should be warm enough until
sunrise. After you rest we can make the last of the trip.”
    Fire? Shelter? I didn’t know how to do any of this.
    “How far do we still have to go?”
    “Because of the mountain’s layout it’s further around for
us to climb. Straight to the hotel is half a mile, but we have to make a big
detour. The cliffs are dangerous here.”
    “You guys built the beginner slope next to a dangerous
cliff-area?” I accused. I was tired. I was scared. I was hungry. I felt sick
and sore. I wasn’t in a good place and I was taking it out on him.
    “It’s not ‘you guys’, I just work here. And yes, but
beginners don’t usually dive into the forest head first or go another round
without their instructors.”
    I remembered there had been some rule about that. I
shrugged and then moaned from the pain.
    “Come on,” George said and I followed him again because
there was nothing else I could do.
    The hollow was created by a fallen trees and mulch that
had accumulated over a while. George found branches and closed the one side off
until we had a make-shift shelter that blocked off most of the wind. The ground
underneath was free of snow and dry, and even though it was still cold, it was
the best thing I’d seen all night. George found twigs and branches somewhere,
and made a fire the way a Boy Scout would, with what he could find in nature. I
was relieved one of us actually knew what to do.
    The fire was small and it gave off more smoke than warmth,
but it was welcome. I shuffled as close to it as I could, and stretched out my
hand. I’d removed my gloves and I tried to warm up my fingers.
    “You should rest,” George said.
    I didn’t argue with him. I was suddenly so tired. I curled
up on the dirt, not even caring about the fact that it was the wilderness, and
I fell asleep.
    When I woke up again, gray light filtered through the gaps
in the make-shift wall. It was dawn. The sun hadn’t risen yet, but it would
soon. It wasn’t so cold anymore. I became aware of an arm thrown around my
waist. George lay behind me, spooning me, and his body was warm. It was almost
like a blanket. I leaned back slightly, turning my head to look at him. With
his eyes closed, asleep, he looked harmless and human. Normal. The hard eyes
weren’t visible and his face was softer somehow. I traced it with a finger.
    He opened his eyes and looked at me. His
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