Rivals of Fortune / The Impetuous Heiress

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Book: Rivals of Fortune / The Impetuous Heiress Read Online Free PDF
Author: Jane Ashford
impossible for her to go to London, even with Peter Finley removed from it, they were interrupted by the approach of her brother Frederick, limping down the path with the aid of his father’s walking stick. He came up and lowered himself beside them in the arbor.
    â€œWhat do you want, Frederick?” asked Joanna impatiently. “We are talking.”
    â€œI could see that,” retorted the young gentleman. “That’s why I came out. It’s dashed dull inside—nothing to do but read.”
    â€œHow did you hurt your foot?” asked Selina, and Joanna glared at her. Asking Frederick questions was no way to get rid of him.
    Enthusiastically, Frederick launched into the story of his adventure at the Abbey. “I was just walking along the top of an old wall in the front part of the ruin when two of the stones gave way, and I fell. What a stupid accident.” He looked at his ankle. “The doctor says I shall be hobbling for weeks—worse luck.”
    â€œBut why did you wish to climb the walls of the ruins?” asked Selina. She shivered. “I don’t like it there.”
    Frederick eyed her with contempt, then leaned forward conspiratorially. “I was looking for the treasure,” he whispered.
    Selina’s eyes widened. She stared at him for a moment, then said, “What treasure?”
    â€œOld man Erland’s treasure. I wager it’s in the ruins, though Jack Williston thinks it’s in the house. I might have found it that very day, and now it will be ages before I can hunt again. Someone will probably get in ahead of me.”
    Selina leaned back and smiled condescendingly. “You cannot really believe there is treasure buried at the Abbey. It is too ridiculous.”
    Frederick sat up straighter. “What’s ridiculous about it? Old man Erland was the greatest clutchfist in nature. Why shouldn’t he have hidden his money? Misers do, you know.”
    â€œBut he would have told someone before he died.”
    The boy shook his head. “Not he. They never do. Can’t stand the idea of anyone else getting their hands on the money. I know it’s there. I was looking for a place that had been dug. I’ll find it, too, when my cursed ankle heals.”
    â€œWell, you wouldn’t be allowed to keep a treasure, if you did find it,” snapped Joanna. “Frederick, do run along and look for Mama. I daresay she will play a game with you.”
    â€œNot keep it!” cried her brother, outraged. “And why should I not? If I find it, it’s mine by right.”
    â€œNonsense. It would belong to the estate.”
    Frederick looked defiant. “Then I shan’t tell when I do find it. I shall hide it again and use it when I’m older. To buy my own curricle.”
    Joanna turned away with an exasperated exclamation, but Selina and Frederick argued spiritedly for some time over the relative merits of his plan. By the time they had finished, it was five, and Selina had to go. Thus, the two girls had no chance to work out a plan, and Joanna was left to discover for herself how she should face the new Mrs. Finley.

    Joanna heard no further word of the Finleys before the Thursday that Jonathan Erland was to dine at the Rowntrees’. As she dressed for dinner that evening, she wondered yet again when they would arrive. Waiting for the event was worse, she thought, than experiencing it could possibly be.
    As she brushed her brown curls into clusters over her ears, her mother came into the bedroom. “Oh, Joanna,” she said immediately, “not the blue dress. It’s so old. You must wear your new white muslin with the yellow ribbons.”
    Joanna stared. “The new dress? But, Mama, you said I was only to wear it on special occasions.”
    Mrs. Rowntree’s eyes dropped. “Well, this is a special occasion, is it not? How often do we have a dinner guest? And your father’s friends will
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