you better tell me right now.”
    “Adrianna,” I say, trying to keep my voice calm and not add fuel to the fire. “I will tell you everything that’s been going on, I will. But I need you to calm down.”
    “Calm down? Calm down? I’m not going to calm down! There was just some creepy woman on an iPad that wouldn’t turn off claiming to be Raine’s mom! Raine’s mom, Natalia! Raine’s mom just answered the door at her house. So who the hell was that?”
    “I don’t know,” I say. It’s kind of the truth. I have my ideas – I guess Samara could be Raine’s witch mom or something. And her human mom is the one who opened the door. That seems a little crazy, though – as far as I know, Raine’s not adopted.
    Then I have a horrible thought – if Samara is Raine’s mom like she says she is, does that mean my mom isn’t my mom, either? If I’m a witch and Raine’s a witch, and Raine’s mom isn’t who she thinks it is, then is my mom not who I think she is, either?
    Does Raine know any of this? Is Samara even telling the truth?
    Thoughts twist and swirl through my head, tumbling together into a hurricane.
    “You don’t know?” Adrianna says. She flicks the signal down angrily, turning onto my street. “You don’t know? Of course you know.”
    She keeps talking, yelling, but I tune her out, sitting up in my seat and craning my neck, trying to see down the street.
    I blink a few times, not able to comprehend what I’m seeing. My mom’s car, the car that was burned to a shell at the witches’ compound, is now sitting in our driveway.
    That’s impossible. It’s not the same car. It has to be different. Then again, my mom’s car returning in near perfect condition is one of the least impossible things I’ve seen lately.
    As we get closer, I notice my mom’s standing on the porch with a police officer.
    When she sees me, she gives me a big grin.
    “Why are the police at your house?” Adrianna asks suspiciously. I look at her, and she looks at me. There’s still anger on her face, but now I see something else, too.
    Something in her eyes. Fear. Adrianna’s afraid of me.
    I don’t have time to think about what this means for our friendship, or just for me in general, because my mom is waving at me from the porch, motioning frantically for me to join her.
    “Listen,” I say to Adrianna, summoning all the strength I have left. “You don’t have to be scared. I’ll explain everything to you later, I promise.”
    I reach out and grab her hand, giving it a squeeze, but she pulls away. “No,” she says, shaking her head and staring straight ahead. “Explain it to me now.”
    “Adrianna,” I say.
    “No. Natalia, you’re obviously in some kind of trouble. And I wouldn’t be a good friend if I just ignored it.”
    She turns off the car and puts her hand on the door handle.
    “What are you doing?” I ask, panicked.
    “I’m going to find out why there’s a cop at your house. I don’t know what you’re into, but I don’t want you getting into any more trouble than you already are.”
    What I do next is a reflex. It’s not anything that I’ve planned or even thought about. And before I know what’s happening, I’m focusing all my energy on Adrianna.
    “Adrianna,” I say slowly. “You are going to forget everything you just saw. You are going to forget everything having to do with that iPad. As far as you’re concerned, you took me to Raine’s house to pick up a notebook I left at school.”
    It’s harder for me to use the mind control than it usually is, I think maybe because I don’t have my necklace and also because she’s fighting me.
    She opens her mouth to say something, to protest, but I repeat the words I just said, concentrating as hard as I can this time. And then, finally, her eyes turn blank and her face goes slack.
    After a second, she smiles.
    “So I’ll call you later?” she says.
    “Yup,” I say, matching her smile so that she doesn’t think there’s
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