Ring Of Solomon
– human, or in human form – ran forth and carried the golden serpent and the other treasures from the hall.
    When all was still, the vizier swelled out his chest, took his staff by its ruby pommel and banged it thrice upon the floor. ‘Attention!’ he cried. ‘Solomon’s council shall now proceed! There are several issues of great moment to bring before the king. As ever, we shall all benefit from the bounty of his wisdom. First—’
    But Solomon had raised a lazy hand, and as it was the
, the vizier broke off at once, choking on his words and blanching.
    ‘Saving your pardon, Hiram,’ the king said silkily, ‘the first business is already before us. My magician Ezekiel was killed this morning. The spirit who slew him – do we know its identity?’
    The vizier cleared his throat. ‘Master, we do. From the remains of Ezekiel’s cylinder, we have deduced the offender. Bartimaeus of Uruk is its favoured title.’
    Solomon frowned. ‘Have I heard report of one with that name?’
    ‘Yes, Master. Only yesterday. It was overheard singing a song of extraordinary insolence, which featured—’
    ‘Thank you, I recall it.’ The king stroked his handsome chin. ‘Bartimaeus … of Uruk – a city two thousand years gone. So it is a most ancient demon. A marid, I assume?’
    The vizier bowed low. ‘No, Master. I believe not.’
    ‘An afrit, then.’
    The vizier bowed still lower; his chin almost touched the marble floor. ‘Master, it is in fact a djinni of moderate strength and power. Fourth level, if some of the Sumerian tablets speak true.’
Fourth level?
‘ Long fingers tapped upon the arm-rest of the throne; from the little finger came a flash of gold. ‘A
djinni has slain one of my magicians? With all due respect to the wailing shade of Ezekiel, this brings dishonour on Jerusalem – and, more importantly, on
. We cannot let such an outrage pass. An example must be made. Hiram – let the remainder of the Seventeen approach.’
    In keeping with the glory of King Solomon, his chief magicians were drawn from countries far beyond the bounds of Israel. From distant Nubia and Punt, from Assyria and Babylon, these men and women of power had come. Each, at a brief command, could summon demons from the air, raise whirlwinds and rain death upon their cowering foes. They were masters of the ancient arts, and would have been considered mighty in their own lands. But all had chosen to travel to Jerusalem, to serve he who wore the Ring.
    With a twirl of his staff, the vizier beckoned the circle forward; each magician, in turn, bowed low before the throne.
    Solomon considered them a while, then spoke: ‘Khaba.’
    Deliberate, stately, soft-footed as a cat, a man stepped from the circle. ‘Master.’
    ‘You have a sombre reputation.’
    ‘Master, I do.’
    ‘You treat your slaves with appropriate severity.’
    ‘Master, I take pride in my harshness, and I do well to do so, for demons combine ferocity with infinite cunning, and their nature is vindictive and malign.’
    Solomon stroked his chin. ‘Indeed … Khaba, I believe you already have in your employment several other recalcitrant spirits that have recently proved troublesome.’
    ‘Master, this is true. Each loudly regrets its past audacity.’
    ‘Will you agree to add this wicked Bartimaeus to your roster?’
    Khaba was Egyptian, a man of arresting appearance, tall, broad-shouldered and strong of limb. His skull, like all the magician-priests of Thebes, had been shaved and waxed until it shone. His nose was aquiline, his brow heavy, his lips narrow, bloodless, tight as bow-strings. His eyes hung like soft black moons in the wasteland of his face, and glistened perpetually as if they were close to tears. He nodded. ‘Master, as in all things I follow your requirements and your will.’
    ‘Quite so.’ Solomon took a sip of wine. ‘See that Bartimaeus is brought to heel and learns respect. Hiram will bring you the relevant
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