knew the minute I saw you in the restaurant with him that you weren't sleeping with him," he told her with satisfaction.
"Then why bother to. ask?" she hissed, and then spoiled the retort by tacking on, "How did you know?"
"I could tell by the way you smiled at him. Friendly and remote. And he didn't put up any fight at all when I took you away." Josh shrugged as if the case were open and shut. "But the reason I asked was to make you aware of something else. Tell me the truth, Reva Waring, has there been anyone since me?" The honey eyes suddenly narrowed and she felt his fingers harden briefly around her rib cage where he held her.
"I've... I've dated several people since I returned," she began quite bravely and winced as he gave her a slight impatient shake.
"That's not what I'm asking, little one, and you know it. Tell me, Reva!" The riverbed voice was still soft but very, very determined to have an answer.
"No," she muttered honestly. "It's none of your damn business, but, no, I haven't slept with anyone since I came back!"
"And there's been no one else for me since I put you on that plane," he told her, a slashing smile moving into place on his hard features. "You see? Even if you weren't conscious of it, you were waiting for me!"
"That's not true!" she blazed, alarmed at his deduction. "It just so happens that I don't engage routinely in affairs, and don't give me that line about there having been no one else for you, either! If that's the case it's only because you've been isolated in that jungle for four months. Which brings me right back to my initial statement. You've got some sort of fixation on me because I was the last woman you were with! As soon as you've had a chance to readjust
to civilized society and meet people you'll feel differently. I'm surprised you haven't learned that about yourself by now. Surely this isn't the first time you've come back to the States on ... on leave. . . ." Her words trailed off a iittle at the end because she wasn't absolutely certain what to call a mercenary's time off, and while Josh Corbett seemed a bit different from the way she had envisioned such men, she was fairly sure that was his occupation. What else could account for his presence in that terrible situation or for the way he'd been armed and at ease with the business of survival? Furthermore, he hadn't returned with her on the plane when he'd had the chance. Instead he'd walked back into the jungle with his weapons.
"Of course I've come and gone several times, little one," he smiled affectionately. "But I'm well aware my reaction to you was totally out of the ordinary. Do you think I normally go to all this trouble to track down women with whom I've shared a night or two?" He moved his hand along her thigh, shaped the contour of her waist, and then, with bold hunger, cupped a small breast. The lion eyes darkened as he bent his head and just before his mouth covered hers, he whispered hoarsely, "You're mine, Reva. I brought you safe out of that revolution and sent you home to wait for me. Now I've come to collect you!"
"Josh, listen to me . . ." Reva tried desperately, but it was too late. Her pleading words were silenced as his lips moved warmly on hers. She was clamped almost fiercely against his chest, helpless in the velvet-covered steel of his arms. His unsubtle, plundering mouth preyed hungrily on hers, forcing apart her lips and eagerly ravaging the honey behind them. She felt his tongue seek out hers and engage it immediately in a little duel of yin and yang, male and female.
Reva was profoundly aware of the explosive intent in
his hard body. He had tired of the arguments and explanations and attempts at reasoning. He told her with his hands and his lips and his possessive hold that he was here to claim the woman he felt belonged to him. Somehow, Reva told herself as the sensuous assault swept over her, she had thought she had more time. She had thought she could talk rationally to him for a while