bronze-haired baby with her dark blue eyes suddenly
flashed through his mind, momentarily startling the breath out of him. Longing and a strange sort
of regret welled up inside of him, both emotions so foreign and unexpected they shook him to the
core. Adam mentally swore. What the hell was wrong with him?
He’d never longed for that life?
And regret? How could he regret something he’d never wanted?
Career first. Being a soldier, that’s what really mattered.
“Doesn’t it rub your leg raw?” another girl asked, thankfully pulling his thoughts away from that
distracting, wholly unexpected line of thought. “I had a cast that did that once.”
The group had drifted closer and was hanging onto his every word. “It did in the beginning,” he
admitted. “But I’ve got a special ‘sock’ that prevents that from happening now.” He tugged a bit
from the top and showed them.
“Cool,” Mallory said, nodding as though she were impressed.
“Coach Winnie says you can still
run. That you can do everything you used to be able to do before your accident. Is that true?”
Winnie and her group had finished up and were strolling toward him. She’d obviously caught
the tail end of the question because she merely smiled and lifted her slim shoulders in a small
shrug. She wore a baby blue sleeveless T-shirt, a pair of gray shorts—which showcased an
exceptionally fine ass—and socks with little pink pom-poms on the back. He inwardly laughed,
wondering why he found that small distinction so appropriate and sexy as hell. Her tanned skin
was flushed and dewy with exertion and it didn’t take much imagination at all to envision her
having the same look after a vigorous bit of hot, hard, sweaty bed sport.
She excelled at all sports, so he had no doubt that she’d be every bit as enthusiastic and talented
in the lovemaking department. Just the thought of it made his balls tighten in his shorts, sent a
stirring sensation through his loins. His gaze lingered too long on her mouth, causing her to
frown slightly. With effort, he forced his gaze away.
“It’s true,” Adam admitted. “But I’m not so sure I can do them as well as before.”
“That’s what practice is for, right?” Mallory said.
He chuckled, wishing it were so simple. “I suppose.”
“Enough, girls,” Winnie said, sparing him the rest of the Q&A.
“Game tomorrow at five. We’ll
be here for batting practice at four, for those of you who are interested.” They formed a huddle,
stacked their hands on one another’s, then belted out “Sand Gnats!” A second later, they
scattered, leaving him alone with Winnie for the first time since he’d gotten to the park.
“Sand Gnats?” he said, grinning. “That’s a bit humiliating.”
She nudged him with her shoulder and the contact burned through him. “Hey, no knocking our
name,” she chided, smiling. “My little bugs have done well this season.”
She had a lot of talent on her team, so he could certainly see why.
And she was a damned fine
coach. She had a wonderful, encouraging, nurturing rapport with her girls. No doubt she’d make
one helluva mother, Adam thought, before he could stop himself.
Wrong line of thinking. Unless there was an immaculate conception, Winnie would have to be
in love with another guy to get pregnant. Because he knew Winnie wouldn’t do it any other way.
The irrational pain that accompanied that thought was enough to make his hands ball into fists.
“How well?” he made himself ask, purposely trying to distract himself. All the more reason he
didn’t need to be around her. The attraction alone was too much to contend with. Adding all
these other bizarre feelings—ones he’d never entertained about anyone else—into the mix was
seriously messing with his head.
He couldn’t afford to lose focus. He had to keep it together.
She started gathering equipment and loading it into a giant duffle bag. “Seven and