Revenge of the Wannabes

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Book: Revenge of the Wannabes Read Online Free PDF
Author: Lisi Harrison
Tags: JUV023000
zigzagged through the bustling lunchtime crowd, avoiding anyone who might have heard about the fight.
    “What’s up, gang?”
a voice bleated over the school’s intercom system.
“Deena Geyser here with your afternoon news brief.”
    Alicia and Olivia rolled their eyes the minute they heard Deena’s voice.
    “Is she chewing gum?” Alicia said. “She always
that. It’s sooo unprofessional.”
    “Is that what that slurping noise is? I always thought she had a speech peppermint.”
    Alicia stopped walking and looked at Olivia with a puzzled look on her face. “You mean a speech
    “Really? You think she has
Olivia said, her blue eyes filled with pity.
    “Probably.” Alicia didn’t bother correcting her.
    “But before I get started,”
Deena continued,
“I have a few announcements to make. … Since I like to put humor in my daily broadcasts, I am officially changing my name from Deena to Comma Dee. Funny, right? And the best part is I can spell it with just a comma and the letter
D. …
I’d show you, but this isn’t television, people; use your imaginations. …”
    Alicia heard gasps and giggles from every girl she passed.
    “I would also like to say congratulations to Alicia Rivera and Olivia Ryan once again for winning the OCD Fashion Week Uniform Contest last week. …”
    A round of applause erupted in the halls.
    Olivia started jumping up and down. “That’s us!” she screamed. But all Alicia could do was look over her shoulder for signs of Massie.
    “They are about to leave for their big interview with
Teen Vogue,
so if you would like to see them off, please head over to the parking lot ASAP. …”
    Everyone they passed in the halls looked at them with envy in their eyes. Alicia unbuttoned her coat so they could get a good look her new suede pants, argyle sweater, and nubby blazer. She slowed down to her regular leisurely pace, deciding to enjoy this red carpet moment.
    “Why are they looking at us funny?” Olivia whispered out of the side of her mouth. She tucked a white-blond strand of hair behind her ear and looked uncomfortably at the ground. After a second she shot her head back up and looked straight into Alicia’s big brown eyes. “They must have heard about your fight with Massie.”
    “This has
to do with
Alicia snapped while managing to keep her head up, shoulders back, and eyes fixed on the Exit sign at the end of the hall. “They wish they were the ones getting interviewed by
Teen Vogue
this afternoon. They want to be us.”
Olivia covered her mouth and widened her eyes. “You mean they’re actually jealous of me?”
Alicia reminded her.
    “Maybe they’ll come back with the inside scoop on some new trends. …”
    Alicia knew her fake broadcasts were ten times better than “Dee’s” real ones, but she wasn’t going to trash her. Alicia needed the publicity.
and speaking of trends, it seems like Massie Block’s infamous charm bracelet has started a phenomenon. I’ve been seeing charm belts, charm necklaces, and even charm key chains hanging off some of your pocketbooks. … I guess this is turning into a real CHARM SCHOOL. …”
Deena started laughing at her own joke.
    “She makes it seem like Massie invented
Alicia said as she pushed open the heavy wood doors that opened onto the school’s parking lot.
    “Oh. My. Gawd,” Olivia said, her wide eyes fixed on the crowd.
    Alicia froze too. She couldn’t believe how many girls had skipped lunch to see them off. “I bet there are at least fifty people here.”
    “What are they doing on the other side of the parking lot?” Olivia asked.
    “No one expected us to sneak out the back door,” Alicia said. “If anyone asks, we did it to avoid Principal Burns, NOT Massie, okay? Let’s go.”
    Alicia moved across the cracked gray cement in the parking lot with ease and confidence. Olivia was a few paces ahead.
    As she got
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