Remove the Empty Spaces

Remove the Empty Spaces Read Online Free PDF

Book: Remove the Empty Spaces Read Online Free PDF
Author: T.A. Chase
Tags: Erotic Romance Fiction
    Soft and pliable, Adrien thought as he moved his hands to Ion’s butt. He flexed his fingers, and Ion moaned, arching into him.
    “Mr Bellamy…oh shit! Sorry. Should’ve locked the fucking door when I left,” Patrick said.
    The door slammed closed as Adrien and Ion broke apart. He rubbed his thumb over Ion’s lower lip, loving how it had plumped slightly from their kiss.
    “Patrick won’t say a word to anyone,” Ion promised.
    “I know. Your friend is very secretive when he needs—or wants—to be.” Adrien took a deep breath, then stepped farther away from Ion. “Do you have access to your resume?”
    Ion blinked at the quick change of subject, but recovered. “Yes.”
    “Have Patrick print it out for you. I’m going to talk to Mr Richardson and Mr Herner to set up interviews with them for you.” Adrien winked. “I’m sure they’ll be as impressed with you as I am. Just maybe not for all the same reasons.”
    Adrien went to his desk before he pushed the intercom button. “Patrick, you can come back in here.”
    “All right, sir.”
    He could hear the smirk in Patrick’s voice, but he chose not to address it. Patrick wouldn’t tease him, and he had a feeling Ion could handle Patrick if he had to. Ion rubbed his palms on his pants while he stood in the middle of the office. Adrien sat at his desk, and dialled Sidney’s private number.
    “Hey man, we’re not even halfway through this proposal. Things are looking good, but you did give us until the end of the week.” Sidney sounded a little frazzled.
    “I remember, and I’m not calling to harass you about that. You’ll get it done by then. I have a person I’d like you and Bart to interview for Constance’s position. I know Bart’s been running a person short, which is causing his people to freak out a little.”
    Adrien looked up when he heard the door open. Patrick entered then went to bump Ion’s shoulder with his. Adrien watched as Patrick leaned over, whispering something in Ion’s ear that made Ion blush then shove Patrick away, but he was laughing.
    “Who is it?” Sidney hesitated for a moment before continuing, “Did Patrick bring you the guy who wrote this report?”
    “Yes, and I’d like you and Bart to meet him. I’m pretty sure you’ll see what I see.” Adrien tapped his fingers on his desk.
    “All right. Let me grab Bart, then give us thirty minutes. We’ll meet him in my office.”
    Sidney usually listened to Adrien when it came to business and employees, though he had his own opinion and would voice it when he felt the need to. Adrien didn’t think he would when he met Ion.
    “Great. I’ll let him know, and I think you’re going to be surprised when you meet him.”
    “What’s his name?”
    Adrien shook his head, even though Sidney couldn’t see him. “I’m not telling. Don’t want to bias you against him before he gets his chance.”
    “Fine. Be that way. Send him over in thirty minutes.” Sidney hung up.
    “All right, Ion. You and Patrick need to print off two copies of your resume and any references you might have. Then you need to be at Mr Richardson’s office in thirty minutes,” Adrien informed Ion.
    “Oh my God, are you interviewing for Constance’s position?” Patrick clapped his hands together, almost squealing in his excitement.
    “Yes, he is, but everyone doesn’t need to know that, Patrick. You might want to tone down the excitement.” He smiled at how happy Patrick looked for Ion.
    Patrick mimed zipping his lips, then locking them. Rolling his eyes, Ion grabbed Patrick’s arm.
    “If you say anything before Mr Bellamy is ready, I’ll sic Patrice on you.”
    The panic in Patrick’s eyes had Adrien laughing. “I take it Patrice is quite fierce.”
    “She’s Patrick’s twin, and if you think he’s hyper, you should meet her. Patrice would wear you out in ten minutes just from talking.” Ion’s words held a note of truth in them, yet Adrien saw fondness in Ion’s
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