breathe in deeply. Every sexual thought I’ve had about Knox since I got here plays on a loop in my mind and I know I can’t leave here without knowing if he feels the same way. I’m suddenly filled with a confidence I never knew I had.
    I storm out the door where Knox is waiting patiently by the front door, flipping his keys around his finger. I strut toward him, wearing my desire for him all over my face. I can’t even consider the possibility that he doesn’t want me the same way. I’m half-way to him when he looks at me and knows. He drops his keys and moves toward me.
    Our lips crash together with a force I’ve never known before. His tongue plunges into my hot mouth and his hands are everywhere. I run my hands all over his body, wanting every last inch but not knowing where to start because I’m so turned on that I feel like all the circuits in my head are going to fry.
    Knox pulls away suddenly and I hate how cold I feel without his arms around me.
    “I can’t do this,” he says, pacing the kitchen floor. “You’re just confused right now. I don’t want to take advantage of you.”
    I pull the tie on my shift dress then let it fall to the floor. “Does it look like I’m confused?” I ask, posing seductively in my bra and panties.
    “Oh, sweet Jesus,” he says, biting his knuckle as he runs his eyes up and down my body.
    “I want you, Knox,” I say, trying hard to sound seductive. My voice is clouded from the vodka and I’m just hoping that I don’t sound ridiculous.
    Knox walks slowly toward me, his eyes on mine. He wants me, I know he does. When he gets close enough to touch me, he bends down and picks up my dress. Gently, he slips a sleeve over one of my arms then the other and attempts to tie it. I stand there, stunned, feeling like an idiot.
    “I’m sorry,” I force out, dangerously close to tears but I’ve already humiliated myself enough for one night.
    He touches my cheek, lovingly, his eyes kind. “Please don’t apologize, Ripley.”
    It’s the first time I can ever remember him calling me by my entire first name and a ripple of pleasure flutters through me but humiliation quickly edges its way back in.
    “I should go,” I say, my actions stunted by the vodka as I continue to just stand there.
    “Sure, let me get my keys,” he says, dropping his hand and moving toward the door to slip on his shoes and grab his keys off the floor.
    I really want to just run out the door and never look back but my body won’t cooperate and I let him drive me home.
    “Thanks for the ride,” I say lamely. I’m thankful for the small buzz I still have going so that I don’t have to feel the full weight of the shame and humiliation I should be feeling.
    “I know it doesn’t seem like it right now, but everything is going to be okay,” he assures me, reaching his hand over to squeeze mine. I jerk away because I can’t touch him without wanting him and I don’t want to embarrass myself again. Once was bad enough.
    “Bye, Knox,” I mumble, practically tumbling out of the car and hobbling toward my front door.
    The minute I open my eyes the next morning I know I’m going to puke. I rush into my bathroom and heave in the toilet, not a second too soon. I puke up stuff I’m pretty sure I ate in second grade, but once I’m done, I feel a little better. I rest my head against the cool exterior of the bath tub and swear to never drink a drop of alcohol again.
    I flush the toilet, wet a washcloth down with cold water, and retreat back to my bed. I’m just about to drift off when last night’s memories come flooding back. I bolt upright in my bed, the washcloth dropping onto my comforter as I realize that I dropped my dress in front of Knox.
    “Oh, holy hell,” I mumble, falling back into my pillows. I squeeze my eyes shut as I try to forget but the image of me dropping my dress and trying my best to look sexy is all I can see behind my eyes. “Oh my God, oh my God.” I
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