Tara asked.
“I see something,” Amber told them. “I don’t know what it is.”
“What does it look like?”
“Grass, thick grass. Moving in the wind, I think.”
Redeeming Vows
Liz gritted her teeth. The highlands were filled with grasses blowing in the wind. “Anything else?”
“Blue. Sky, I think. I’m not sure.”
“Anyone else?”
“No, nothing. Myra?” Tara sighed.
Liz opened her eyes and stared at the sisters, disappointment shown on their faces. The family would hope they’d come up with something for their troubles.
They hovered in a circle three feet off the ground.
“At least, this time, I don’t have to worry about going into labor when we hit the floor.” Tara’s words had them all laughing at the memory of her holding her nine-month belly every time they came together.
“Still, I sure would like to know what elevated us so we could use the reverse power to bring us down softly,” Myra said.
Liz glanced at the floor. “Are you ready?”
A chorus of voices agreed. They let go of their hands and fell to the floor.
“That was a waste of time.” Myra extinguished the candles and picked them up off the floor. “Maybe we should try something new.”
“We keep practicing. Daily.” Liz removed Seventh Sense from under her bed. “There’s something else we might want to try.”
Amber crawled up onto the bed and rolled onto her stomach. “Outside,” she said. “That’s a good idea.”
“I hadn’t suggested it…yet.” Amber’s ability to read people bordered on scary. “But, yeah. Mayfair talks about the connection with the elements all over this book. She believes that with the industrial revolution and the ability for people to live without ever going outdoors, witches and their powers diminished greatly.”
Catherine Bybee
“It makes sense to me.”
“I’m not sure about the naked thing, though.”
“Ah, what naked thing?” Tara’s brow rose in question.
“Mayfair insists that on the holy days of witches, the solstice, etc. that witches in a coven come together, cast their circle and become one with nature.” She took a breath. “Naked.”
Amber giggled, hiding her innocent smile behind her hand. Myra also began to laugh. When Tara started in, it was all Liz could do to keep from laughing herself. “I’m serious. Not that I’m suggesting we run around in the buff. However, I don’t think we should dismiss anything we haven’t tried.”
“So you are suggesting it.”
“No, not really. I’m just saying…it’s something we haven’t tried.”
“Summer solstice is past.”
“I don’t want to freeze my butt off in winter.”
Briac’s cry bellowed from down the hall. Tara stood and walked to the door.
“At the very least we should try and cast a circle outdoors and attempt to find Grainna that way.”
“Agreed.” They nodded together as one before walking out the door.
Redeeming Vows
Chapter Four
The sun heated their ride as they made their way past the village and far away from prying eyes.
Fin glanced over toward Simon who rode his mount with ease. Every once in a while Simon would appear deep in thought, then a grin would spread over his features. Fin couldn’t help but wonder if Simon spoke with the horse he rode. What does a horse think? He wanted to ask. Perhaps he could find a moment alone with the lad to find out.
With her dress hiked high, Elizabeth rode with confidence. He remembered her first attempts on a horse. Her concern for her son’s safety took precedence over her desire to ride properly. Now, her back stood rod straight, her eyes focused on her destination. Her breasts bounced with the gait of the animal between her thighs. Fin’s chest tightened with the memory of her breasts pressed against him.
Their one brief intimate encounter in the stable so many months ago etched into his memory as if it were a defining moment in his life. No, he thought.
It wasn’t anything more than