pricked Sarah’s eyes, and her throat closed up. Didn’t anyone want her anymore?
“Seems to me it’d be easy to farm out the pretty little thing. Somebody ought to want her.”
“That’s what I told Mae, but she says no. She trusts me. The only thing she’s got when her man isn’t around to play house is this child. About the only thing Mae knows is how to look pretty and how to grow flowers.”
“I thought you said you liked her.”
“I like her well enough, but anytime His Majesty decides to call, guess who gets stuck with her by-blow. It gets tiresome dragging a child around with you, especially one that doesn’t even belong to you.”
Merrick chuckled. “Well, why don’t we just toss her off the point? Maybe her mama and papa would see it as a favor. Might even give you a bonus.”
Sarah’s heart pounded.
“That’s not funny, Merrick.” Cleo’s sigh was heavy, annoyed. “I’d better wake her and put her to bed. She’s had a long day.” She nudged Sarah, who looked up in relief. Cleo took her hand. “Come on. We’re going up to bed now. Say goodnight to Mister Merrick.”
He grinned. “I’ll see you safely upstairs, ladies.”
When Cleo opened the door of her old room, Merrick held it ajar and came inside. Sarah looked at Cleo in alarm.
“What’re you doing?” Cleo whispered fiercely. “You can’t come in here 26
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with me. She’ll tell her mother, and I’ll lose my position.”
“I’ll take care of that.” Merrick bent and pinched Sarah’s chin. “You say anything to anybody about me being in this room with Cleo, and I’ll cut your little pink tongue out. Understand?” Sarah believed him, and nodded her head. He smiled slightly and let her go. She darted to the corner and crouched there, trembling and feeling sick. “See?” Merrick crowed gleefully.
“Nothing to worry about. She won’t say a word about us to anyone.”
Cleo stared at him, her eyes wide. She looked upset, and Sarah hoped she would tell him to leave. “That was terrible cruel,” she said, looking at Sarah.
“He didn’t mean it, lovey. He was only fooling. Don’t believe a word he says.”
“You believe it, girl. I wasn’t fooling at all.” He caught Cleo to him.
“Cruel? Cruel would be putting me out when you know I just want to be with you.”
She pushed him away. He reached for her again, and she dodged him—
but even Sarah could tell the effort was half-hearted. How could Cleo let this man near her?
“I know you, Cleo.” Merrick’s smile was half-mast, his eyes gleaming.
“Why did you come all the way back to the Four Winds? Just to look at the sea again?”
“It’s in my blood as much as yours.”
Merrick caught hold of her and kissed her. Cleo struggled, trying to pull away, but he held her tightly. When she relaxed against him, he drew back enough to say, “More than that’s in your blood.”
“Merrick, don’t. She’s watching—”
“So what?”
He kissed her again, and she fought him this time. Sarah sat frozen in fear. Maybe he would just kill them both.
“No!” Cleo said angrily. “Get out of here. I can’t do this. I’m supposed to be taking care of her.”
He laughed. “I didn’t know duty was so important to you.” He let her go, but Sarah didn’t think Cleo looked glad at all. She looked like she was going to cry. Merrick smiled and turned his back to Sarah. “Come on, mite.”
“What’re you doing, Merrick?” Cleo demanded when Sarah scrambled to escape him.
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“Putting her out. It won’t hurt her to sit in the hallway awhile. And don’t say no. I know you too well. Besides, she’ll be right outside the door. No one’s going to bother her.” He dragged a blanket and pillow from the bed and motioned to Sarah. “Don’t make me come get you.”
Sarah didn’t dare disobey.