Rebellion (A Dangerous Man, #2)
watching me through half closed eyes as I explore his body. I watch his
face, eager to see the signs that I’m pleasing him.
    My fingers travel down over his belly, until they close
around him. I marvel at the hardness encased in the soft skin, like steel under
silk. He feels warm, strong and powerful, I stroke him with eager fingers,
loving the feeling. His breathing changes, becoming faster and more ragged, encouraged,
I bend my head and take him into my mouth.
    He groans, and his hips move, grinding a little. Instinctively,
I take him deeper, running my tongue over his swollen tip, and then allowing
him to slide further inside my mouth. He tastes of skin, of salt, and a flavor
that is all him. I steal a look at his face. His eyes are closed, his lips
parted. He likes it. I purse my lips and suck on him, moving my head, so he
goes slowly in and out of my mouth.
    “Sophie.” His groan is deep and raspy, the pleasure in his
voice makes me feel powerful and sexy... all woman. I suck harder, feeling him
grow harder in my mouth as his hands run feverishly through my hair, but I
don’t stop. In every other way, I already feel powerless, but in this, I want
to see him lose control of himself.
    He doesn’t give me the chance. He rises from the bed, moving
faster than I could have anticipated, and lifts me, pulling me forward until my
hips are poised over his erection. Then, with his hands on my waist, he guides
me down slowly until I’m completely filled with him. I moan at the exquisite
sensation of him inside me. My whole body is tingling. I forget everything but
what he’s doing to me. I want this, I want this so much.
    Even though I am on top, he defines our movements, guiding
my hips as he grinds his, stroking my sensitive insides with each deep thrust.
    My body starts to shake. I’m moaning incoherently, crying out
his name over and over. He quickens his pace, thrusting faster, until his body
stiffens, and he groans, exploding into me in a warm surge. At the same moment,
I shout his name one final time, and then collapse onto his chest.

Chapter Four
find myself alone on the bed, my first thought is that David has left for work
again. I feel a little depressed until I hear him in the dressing room. It’s
embarrassing how relieved I am when I see him standing there almost fully
dressed, putting on his cufflinks. I lean on the doorframe, watching him as he
concentrates on fastening the links.
    “Good morning.” I say softly, my heart constricting with
longing as I look at him. Watching him makes me feel happy and sad at the same
time, happy that he’s mine, and sad because, somehow, I know he doesn’t truly
belong to me.
    He looks up at me, “Good morning Sophie.” He says, finishing
with the links. There’s a tie hanging loosely around his neck, and his fingers
move to knot it.
    I don’t want to rehash our conversation of last night, but I
don’t want to spend the whole day missing him either. “I wish you wouldn’t leave
so early,” I say.
    He walks away from me, towards the mirror. In the face of
his silence, I start to wish I hadn’t said anything. I watch as he starts to knot
his tie.
    “I know you’re really busy...” I start.
    He turns to me. The expression on his face is one of sincere
apology. “I’m sorry Sophie,” he says, “Yes, I’ve been busy. I’ve had to deal with
certain issues at work which were there even before I met you.” He stops, “but
that’s no excuse.”
    I walk across the room to him, “I understand, really. I’m
not complaining, I just wish we had a little more time for us.” I look at his
face as I say the word, ‘Us’. That’s what’s important to me. I want us to be a
success. I want this to last. I don’t want to be a short statistic in his life.
The thought of not being with him fills me with a sad sort of desperation.
    He raises one of his hands, tracing a finger across my lips.
“Things will clear up soon,” he
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