in. “You know they say that if you cut a baby’s hair before he turns one that he’ll have speech problems.”
“Girrrrl stop,” Janay said with light laughter. “Anywho, Finn is good as well. He’s getting ready to take us out in a little bit.”
Kerry smiled. “Well, that’s good. I think you need to get out that house. You’ve been feeling a little down lately. I think that may lift up your spirits some.”
“Yeah I think so, too.” Janay agreed as she headed into the huge walk-in closet to find something to wear for the evening.
“Well, I was calling to let you know that we’ve decided to have a party for mom and dad toward the middle or the end of next month for their anniversary. Will you and the hubby be able to attend it?” Kerry asked. “We’d like to set a date that works with Finn’s schedule so he can come. You know mom loves her son-n-law.”
“Tell me about it.” Janay agreed, at the same time of settling to wear a cool, yellow Maxi dress that flowed down by her ankles. Finn loved seeing her in bright colors. He said it always enhanced her beautiful, silky skin tone. “I think around the end of the month would be better?” Janay pondered.
“Around the end of the month,” Kerry said. “I guess around September 26 th , possibly since that’s on a Saturday. Or maybe we can even do it on the 25 th if on a Friday works better for y’all.”
“Okay, sounds good. Let me talk it over with the hubby and see if his schedule is clear then I’ll get back with you. Either way, Brison and I will be there.”
“Don’t forget about it. We’d like to set the date as soon as possible. So, if you can call within a week and let me know then that’ll be great.”
“Okay, I got you. I’ll ask him as soon after he gets Brison dressed. I hear him in there crying now. Now, I gotta go so that I can get dressed, too.”
“Okay, we love you.” Kerry said.
“Kiss juicy jaws for meeeee,” Lauren called out.
Janay laughed. “I love y’all too, and tell her I will.” she responded, and with that they ended their call.
No sooner than Janay could hang up, Finn entered the room with a now happy Brison. His bright eyes lit up to see his mommy as she smiled at him.
“Hey mama’s fat baby,” she spoke as Finn laid him on the bed. Janay couldn’t help but walk over to kiss him. He was just too cute pass up. “Bae, I know your son is cute in anything we dress him in, but why does he just have on this?” She questioned, speaking of the blue jean, Baby Gap overall romper that he had on with the red shirt underneath it and a pair of very small, red Jordon’s on his tiny feet. “If we’re going out to eat then-”
“Well love,” Finn cut in so she didn’t go any further. “Brison is going over to mom’s house and I’m taking you out for the evening. I think we need some alone time tonight.”
“Say what now?” Janay asked with a frown on her face. “You know how I feel about your mom keeping my baby.”
“Listen at yourself. Just like you’re Brison’s mom; I’m his father. My mom is not going to hurt him. You should know that. He’s her grandson. Y’all are going to have to find some common ground and start acting like family. I don’t know how much more of this that I can take.” Janay smacked her lips. “You can pop your lips all you want, but we’re going to enjoy tonight and mom is going to keep the baby. Plus, Aunt Lily is home and she wants to spend time with him, too.”
Janay’s attitude changed somewhat after hearing that Aunt Lily would be there. “Weeeeeell,” she said with a slight sigh. “In that case, I guess its fine.”
“Good,” Finn said, feeling accomplished.
“Your mom and aunt are like night and day. One is so nice and the other one so damn mean.” Janay just had to add.
“Babe, what I tell you about your mouth?” Finn questioned, but a light smile spread across his face. She was surely his wife, the woman he’d chose to marry and