Russia so far?”
Her tone is light, but there is a weight to her words.
“Russia is beautiful, Your Majesty. I cannot wait to see it in the spring bloom. I’m sure it’s splendid to behold.”
She grins. “And do you speak Russian?”
I shake my head just a fraction. “Sadly, no. I speak German and French, and I can read and write in Latin as well. Though I hope to take up the study of the language while I’m here. My mother was just mentioning during our journey that my education would not be complete until I’ve mastered it.”
Beside me, Mother sits up a little taller, a modest grin gracing her lovely face.
“Well, it’s settled then. General Salkov can be your tutor. Beyond helping you master our beautiful language, he can also teach you the customs of court and see to your safety during your visit.”
At the word visit, Mother visibly tenses.
Just then, the door to her chamber sweeps open and Peter bounds into the room as if on horseback. Seeing me, he grins wildly, his blue eyes dancing mischievously, just as they did when he was a little boy. But his face is longer and more defined, a hint of stubble rides his jaw, and he’s gotten tall, taller than even Sergei. He bows quickly to his aunt, then to my mother, before crossing the room in two long strides and taking me by the waist, lifting me into the air, and twirling me gently before sitting me back on my feet.
“Sophie how glorious it is to see you again.”
He turns back to the empress. “I’m sorry, dear Aunt, but I could wait no longer.”
She smiles warmly and waves him off.
“How have you been? How is Prussia?” he asks quickly, ignoring my mother’s uncomfortable cough.
“Very well to both,” I say, unable to keep the smile from my face. “And you?”
He shrugs. “As well as can be expected in such deplorable conditions.” He shoots a grin over his shoulder to his aunt, who is watching us with a wistful look on her face. “I’ve had no one to play Whist with.”
I can’t suppress the laugh that follows his words.
“That’s probably because you cheat so badly.”
“I cheat quite well, thank you,” he says, combing back his golden hair with his fingers, then letting it fall back into a mound of curls.
The empress stands, and we all turn to face her.
“Tonight, there is a ball in honor of Peter’s sixteenth birthday tomorrow. I do hope you will both join us. I would be honored to introduce you to my court,” The empress offers gracefully, brushing the breadcrumbs from her bodice.
I curtsy.
“Of course, Your Majesty. We would love to attend,” Mother answers for me.
The empress turns her full attention to Mother for the first time.
“Johanna, I must admit, I was so devastated when your dear brother died before we could be wed. I have always felt that destiny was somehow subverted when our houses were not joined in marriage.”
Mother inclines her head. “I have felt that as well, Your Majesty. But I believe that destiny, and anything that is truly meant to be, will always find a way to right itself.”
Peter faces me and, bowing, takes my hand in his, bringing it gently to his lips.
“I look forward to it,” he offers with a depth in his voice, and I can’t help but wonder if he means seeing me at the ball… or something else entirely.
The empress steps forward, taking Peter’s arm, and they exit together, leaving Mother and me to return to our chambers. Within moments of returning, Sergei and Count Lestocq arrive, followed by a flurry of attendants and footmen. They bow graciously, both men looking pleased with us.
“Ladies, let me be the first to congratulate you. You have made a splendid impression with Her Majesty. She is quite taken with young Sophie,” the count offers with a grin, handing my mother a large, leather satchel.
Mother huffs, opening the sack, “Of course she is. My daughter is a rare jewel. One would have to be blind not to see her beauty and grace…” Her voice trails off