Protecting Her Heart (Seals Security Book 3)

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Book: Protecting Her Heart (Seals Security Book 3) Read Online Free PDF
Author: Michelle Woods
sat staring out the window for a long moment. Her stomach turned and it felt like she was going to vomit. It rose inside her like a tidal wave, filled with tension that pulled at her, tugging her down.
    A white SUV drove into the garage and pulled up near the elevators and parked, idling. Evie watched as Laney got out of the SUV and moved to stand in front of it waiting. She watched a man climb out and move toward Laney. Damn, he was good looking.
    She took in his gun belt and his large muscles, as well as his raven-colored hair that fell to his shoulders. He grabbed Laney around the waist and kissed her like those scenes in the movies you think never happen in real life. He bent her back over his arm and laid a passionate kiss on her lips. Evie was sure her mouth was hanging open as she watched the two of them. Feeling like a voyeur, she turned back to gather her things. Lifting her purse and the jacket that went with her suit, she glanced out the window to see that they were still kissing. She was just beginning to wonder what the heck she was going to do—because she certainly wasn’t interrupting them—when they finally parted. 
    Evie watched the man smack Laney’s bottom and scoot around to climb back in the SUV while Laney moved over to the elevators, a dreamy look on her face as the man pulled away. Evie watched the SUV disappear out of the garage. She was staring after it when she heard a tap on her window and started, turning to face Laney who peered at her from the other side of the glass.
    Shit , how embarrassing.
    Evie wanted to slam her head into the steering wheel while asking the cosmos why they liked to torture her. She smiled weakly at Laney instead and climbed out of the car, her cheeks pink if the heat in them was any indication.
    “Good morning,” Laney happily crowed.
    “Morning,” Evie replied in a voice that shook with her discomfort.
    “So you saw me and Craig, huh,” Laney said, smiling at her.
    Evie felt like sinking into the concrete beneath her because how was she supposed to answer that without looking like a freak. She ran over ideas of how to respond. Should she pretend she hadn’t seen anything or should she admit she’d seen but say that it was none of her business or–
    “Relax, Evie, I’m only teasing. My husband is very affectionate and since he works here too you’ll likely see us kissing again at some point. He’s a bad boy and doesn’t really care who’s around when he lays one on me. Luke hates it and that only eggs him on. Come on, let’s head up,” Laney laughed as she tugged on Evie’s arm.
    Evie could tell as she followed Laney into the elevator that despite her scolding tone when she said her husband was a bad boy, Laney loved every second of that naughtiness. She followed Laney to the office she would be working in. Laney told her she’d be right back and she sat down to wait.
    She stared around the spacious room, noticing it was slightly smaller than Laney’s office and wondered why the PR office was larger than the CEO’s. Maybe Mr. Stewart’s interior office was bigger, she didn’t know, but it seemed odd. Evie shrugged, letting the thought slip from her mind as she tapped her foot on the floor and waited on Laney.
    A little bored, she looked around the room seeing two black leather couches, one on each wall in the corner of the office across from her desk, with potted plants sitting between them. Little end tables were on each end with magazines stacked on top. Evie noted the door to Luke’s office was made of dark wood and it was currently closed.
    She was twisted in the chair staring at the door when it suddenly creaked and fell backwards. Evie let out a little shriek of dismay as she grabbed the edge of the desk in front of her to catch herself. Her feet flew up off the floor and she frantically tried to stop her skirt from flying up enough to show her panties without falling onto the floor. Then the chair stopped falling back and she realized it
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