Protect and Serve: Badge Bunny

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Book: Protect and Serve: Badge Bunny Read Online Free PDF
Author: Cynthia Sax
Tags: Romance
lightning fast reflexes. He’ll kill Hunny before the bullet reaches him.
    “But would you stake your girlfriend, I wonder? Hmmm…” I don’t like the contemplation on that pale face. “I considered killing her, slowly and painfully. Where’s the fun in that? No, it would be more interesting to turn her.” His fangs elongate. Hunny trembles.
    I want to kill the bastard. I will kill the bastard. I circle him slowly, looking for an opening. “You’d create a vampire bunny? Aren’t you scared of her animal nature, Fox?” I drop hints like bombs. “The second you’re not paying attention, she could turn on you.”
    “I create her; I control her.” The vampire tsk-tsks. “You kill us, yet you don’t understand us. Shame on you, Officer Drake.”
    I understand vampires quite well. They think of themselves as more evolved than the rest of us. They constantly misjudge humans. Fox has misjudged me. All I need now is a distraction.
    “Drake, you’re going to kick my ass, but I lost --” Sarge, that incompetent jackass, supplies it.
    Fox’s eyes flick in Sarge’s direction for only a second. That is all we need. Hunny shifts. I shoot. Fox squeezes a shot off too. My aim is bang on. I pop him in the forehead. He glares at me like he can’t believe he’s been shot. The hole expands, a bright beacon shining from it, until the entire parking lot lights up. Poof. He’s ash.
    Hunny’s caramel-colored body lays on top of that gray ash. Sarge reaches her first. “Hands off my rabbit,” I holler. No one touches her but me.
    She’s not moving. My heart stops beating. I feel dizzy. I drop to my knees, the force cracking the pavement. Pain shoots up my legs. “Hunny,” I whimper. I don’t care that I sound like a sissy. I feel like a sissy. My woman, my love, she’s not moving.
    “What the hell?” Wright, my missing-in-action partner, runs toward us. I pay him no attention. I have a bunny down.
    I scoop her up. I feel her tremble, her soft fur rubbing against my palm. “Hunny buns, have you been shot?” I run my fingers through her fur, searching for damage. There’s nothing. “Hunny, you’re scaring me. What’s wrong?” I touch her cold nose with mine. She twitches. Her eyes open. “Thank the good --”
    “Hey man, you know we have your back, but if you kiss the rabbit, I’m out of here.” Wright looks at me as though I’m some sort of sick pervert.
    “She’s a shifter.” Why am I offering him an explanation? The dumb ass knows this.
    “I don’t care if she’s the magic orgasm fairy.” My partner is puffing like a pack-a-day smoker. He must have run from the other side of the building. “Over the years, we’ve seen some sick shit. I draw the line at bestiality. Follow Sarge’s example and pet your rabbit in the privacy of your own home.”
    That comment draws some cussing from Sarge. While they’re distracted, I do the unthinkable and buss my bunny.

    10 Hunny’s Blog
    “Freeze or I’ll shoot.” Officer Drake stands, his feet braced apart, his imaginary gun in hand. He is in full uniform, looking extremely powerful and overwhelmingly sexy.
    I’m at a disadvantage, being naked and unarmed. “You’ll never take me alive.” I sprint as fast as I can toward the bedroom doorway.
    I’m not fast enough. I’m caught and flung face first against the wall. I raise an arm to protect myself. The plaster cracks with the impact. “I didn’t hurt you, did I?” Drake sounds worried.
    “No,” I gasp out once I recover my breath. I’m not hurt. I’m aroused. “No delicate flower, remember?” I like it rough. “Besides I’m resisting arrest.” I wiggle, peeking over my shoulder, giving him my best come hither look.
    “Right.” His black eyes gleam. “We can’t have that.” He bends my arm behind my back, pressing my cheekbone against the wall. “Spread ’em, scumbag.” He kicks my feet apart. Both my pussy and my ass are exposed. Which will he subdue this time? I
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