Promote Yourself

Promote Yourself Read Online Free PDF

Book: Promote Yourself Read Online Free PDF
Author: Dan Schawbel
global charities and nonprofits, and paint a better picture of corporate America in the future.
    â€¢ We will change the way workers are promoted. Promotions typically come after a certain length of time on the job. But Millennials want faster promotions and often aren’t willing to wait years to get to the next level at a company. We believe that promotions should be more aligned to accomplishments and results instead of based on age and years of experience. Traditionally, promotions tend to happen at the beginning of a company’s fiscal or calendar year. But as our influence grows, promotions will happen anytime they’re deserved. The key word here is deserved. You’re still going to have to work hard and produce results to constantly add value to your team and your company.
    By understanding the impact your generation will have on the workforce in the years to come, you can better prepare for it now and become a leader at your company. This will help you get noticed at work, make people interested in your ideas, and even give you more confidence.
    Sounds pretty great, doesn’t it? The future is bright and the future is you!

    Hard Skills: Be More Than Your Job Description
    In today’s knowledge-based economy, what you earn depends on what you learn.
    Stay Current to Stay Employable
    As we’ve discussed, one thing that’s certain in any organization is that change is constant—companies get sold, management teams get fired, job functions get outsourced or automated, and any number of other things could happen that are equally unexpected and beyond your control. People who adapt, survive; people who don’t, don’t. If you don’t do everything you can to keep up with the way the world is changing, you’ll soon find yourself irrelevant—and out of a job. Remember Blockbuster? They had a huge market share of the video rental business, but they didn’t keep up with the growing demand to have videos delivered right to your house. But Netflix did, and they snapped up most of Blockbuster’s market share. Now Netflix has to compete with the nearly endless supply of free media streamed by companies like Hulu and YouTube. Charles Darwin captured this idea perfectly when he said, “It is not the strongest of species that survives, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change.”
    Makes sense, doesn’t it? A graphic designer trained in HTML, Flash, and the 2002 version of Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator—but who hasn’t kept up with innovations—won’t be nearly as valuable as someone right out of school who has mastered the latest and greatest design software. And it’s always cheaper to hire a young person who has current skills than to keep an older person whose skills aren’t as up to date. Something to keep in mind, since at some point you’re going to be one of those older workers and your job may be threatened by someone who’s still in diapers today but who, in a few years, will be the master of skills that haven’t even been invented yet.
    Ultimately, you’re the one who decides which skills to master and how you spend your time; the more time you invest in learning skills that are in high demand, the more valuable you become. When you master the right hard skills that relate to your profession and industry, people will notice your talents and ask you to work on projects with them. You’ll become the go-to employee. But none of that is going to happen unless you’re persistent in letting people know what it is you can do and where you can make the biggest contribution to your company (this is so important that I’ve devoted an entire chapter to self-promotion). All that added attention will earn you more respect from the people you work with, and more confidence—along with even more visibility and important projects—from the
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