Promises of Mercy(Montana Promises-Book 1)

Promises of Mercy(Montana Promises-Book 1) Read Online Free PDF

Book: Promises of Mercy(Montana Promises-Book 1) Read Online Free PDF
Author: Vella Day
his lips, he wanted to.
    As usual, she failed to have any effect on him, but she wasn’t ready to give up on her brother—nor would she ever.
    As soon as she stepped outside the building, the bright sunshine seemed to mock her, and she wondered if she’d ever be truly happy again.
    She inhaled the clean air as she headed to her car. When she stuck her hand into her purse for her car keys, she felt the card Stone had given her.
    Stone . He might be the only one who could help Chris. She’d never met anyone who seemed so sincere, and as much as she prided herself on her strength, there were times when a person needed an unbiased opinion on whether she was pushing her brother too hard.
    She unlocked her car door, slid onto the seat, and called him.
    “Stone Benson.”
    “Hi, Stone, this is Amber.” She figured since she’d seen him a couple of days ago, he’d remember her.
    “Hey. So glad you called. I stopped by to see Chris yesterday, but he wasn’t in a good place.”
    Relief washed over her. He’d understand. “By any chance are you free right now?”
    “I get off at noon. Why? Has something happened to Chris?”
    “No. I’m the one who needs to talk.” He ’d said he was a good listener. While she never just called a guy and asked to meet with him, this was an exception. “Do you think you could meet me for lunch?”
    “I’ll do one better.” He didn’t hesitate. “How about I pick up a few things and we can find some quiet spot for a picnic?”
    He must be a mind reader. It was inevitable she’d break down, and it would be better if they were in a secluded area. “That sounds wonderful.” The idea of getting away from it all lifted her spirits.
    “I can pick you up at your place or, if it’s more convenient, at the side entrance to the hospital.”
    She weighed her options. “How about the hospital side entrance at 1:15 p.m.?” That would give both of them time to get ready.
    “What can I bring?”
    “Just yourself.”
    It didn’t surprise her that he’d say that. “Perfect.” When she disconnected, a small weight lifted off her shoulders.
    Amber wasn’t the type to take advantage of anyone, so she headed to the store to pick up some extra items, like strawberries for dessert and a few bottles of her favorite Arizona Tea. She had no idea what Stone liked to drink, but if he was off duty, maybe he’d enjoy a beer. She picked up a six-pack of the brand Chris drank and went home to change. This wasn’t a date, so how had a trickle of excitement snuck into her veins? Maybe it was relief.
    Once at her house, she took two beer bottles from the carton and placed them on ice in a small cooler. The strawberries, along with her teas, she kept out.
    It was rather silly of her to care what she looked like, but it would make her feel better if she put some effort into her appearance. She changed into matching underwear, her good shorts, a rather form-fitting top, and light hiking shoes in case he planned on eating somewhere truly remote. It was sunny and warm outside, but in case the sun dipped behind a cloud, she’d bring a pullover.
    She only had a few minutes to brush on some blush, redo her lipstick, and drag liner over her eyes. When she checked her appearance, her mood elevated. Pain resided in her eyes, but to the casual onlooker, she might look fine.
    Not wanting to be late, she grabbed her small backpack purse and cooler and headed out to the car. When she arrived at the hospital employee entrance ten minutes early, she parked, ducked inside and rushed up to Chris’s floor to check on him.
    Yesterday, they’d moved him out of the ICU. Her friend Becky was at the desk.
    “Amber!” She ran her gaze up and down her. “You look like you’re ready to go on a hot date.” Becky nodded to her cooler.
    Yikes . She hadn’t even noticed she had it with her. Her mind definitely had gone to mush. She hoped her clothes didn’t suggest to Stone that she considered this a date.
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