Program 12
    There was something about Alexis that seemed familiar. I couldn’t know her. There was no way I could know her. I had not been given access to the outside world yet. I should not be able to recall anyone’s face other than those within Vesta Corp, but I knew Alexis. Somehow, I knew her.
    “You must be Program Thirteen,” said the woman, pulling out the seat beside her.
    I moved to sit in the chair, making sure to avoid any contact what-so-ever. The woman appeared friendly, but I could not guarantee she would be as welcoming if my skin brushed against hers.
    “If you need anything, please feel free to let us know. We’ll be right outside the door,” Tina said as she gathered the White Coats. The heavy, metal door slammed shut behind them, leaving us alone.
    This human, this stranger was supposed to teach me how to survive in the human world. This stranger, this woman that I somehow knew, although I'd never gone beyond these walls, was supposed to help me become more like her. As excited as I was, I could not help but be worried. Human contact would be a lesson at some point. Would she still accept me so willingly when she grasped just how different we were from one another?
    We sat in silence staring at each other, unsure as to where to start. “I suppose I should introduce myself,” she said, tugging on the zipper of her jacket. “My name is Alexis Ward. I’m twenty-two years old. I just completed my human social teaching program last week. What about you?”
    She was talking to me as if I were like her - a human; as if I had a human life in which to share. It was strange, but a pleasant change. “My name is Program Thirteen. My human identity is Emile.”
    She stared at me waiting for me to continue, but I was not sure what else there was to share.
    “Do you have an age? Or a last name?” What was she talking about; what did she mean by age and last name? “You know... like how Ward is my last name? Alexis Ward. Your human identity is Emile. Do you have a last name?” I shook my head no, as we were only given a single name for our human identities. “How about an age? Do you have one? I was born on June 25th, 1990. That would make me twenty-two years old.”
    I tried to think back to what Hayden had said to Douglas Todd the previous day. He said that I was only a few months old but that I’d be seventeen years old if I were actually human. I looked over at Alexis who was still waiting for an answer.
    “My Program is only a few months old. However, if I were a human, like you, I’d be seventeen years old from what I’ve overheard.”
    Alexis smiled in response. It was clear that this was the first of what would be several sessions between us. I had so much to learn before I could be a part of her world. Even though this was all new, and supremely overwhelming, I was eager to learn. I wanted to be like her. I wanted to live out there. I wanted to fulfill my purpose as a Program.
    “Emile,” Alexis spoke softly. “I hope that you do not mind me calling you that. I’m aware that in here you are addressed as Program Thirteen. But out there? Out there you will need to become one of them. You will only be addressed as Emile.”
    “I do not mind,” I replied. And I truly did not. It was gratifying to feel like a person rather than a Program.
    “Okay then. Well, to start with, you are going to need a last name.” Alexis pulled a folder from the bag next to her seat. She spread the manila folder out on the steel table, quickly glancing over a form. “Ah! What do you think of Reed? Emile Reed has a rather nice ring to it, don't you think?” It certainly did. Emile Reed. Beautiful.
    “Yes, Reed will be perfect. Thank you,” I finally replied after I remembered Alexis was still waiting on me.
    She laughed and reached out to touch my hand. “I know you are scared that I’ll run out of the room screaming, but I can assure you that I will not. When I took this job, I knew what to expect. I knew what
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