Program 12
every flaw and my every strength. Whoever or whatever they wanted me to become, I would and that was all I could do. I was nothing without this place, these people.
    “And we’re ready to begin,” a voice rang through the speakers surrounding the top of the room. There were no lights. Just darkness.
    I could feel the restraints pressing against my flesh. Do not move , I had to remind myself. I could not bleed, but my flesh could still tear. I closed my eyes as I heard the charge running through the wires, tugging on the hard drive in my back. I pushed forward against my will, acting strictly on what my mind was feeding me. There were flashes of lights around the room. I looked down at my right wrist and noticed a large tear revealing the wires beneath. A pale blue light pulsed where the flesh once was.

    The buzzing noise rang through my ears as the volts soared through my insides, speeding through each wire before erupting in my core. Unlike my regular evaluation, I could feel everything. My core pulsed, forcing me to respond to the pain. As they erased files and imported new ones, I wanted nothing more than to rip out the wires connecting me to the computer. I just wanted to run and hide. I did not want to be here. I did not want this.
    But I could not move. Restraints were placed on my wrists, chest, and legs to keep me in place until they were through with me. I knew these evaluations were for my sake, McVeigh had told me that several times, but that did not help to make them any easier. My inner voice was screaming. Almost done, keep pushing . And I knew that I would. I always did. I always managed to push through the pain.
    “It looks as though your hard drive evaluation is completed. Your caretakers should be in shortly to release you.” The stranger’s voice echoed throughout the empty room. I wanted to see his face, to know who he was, but he would remain a stranger, a shadow lingering behind the frosted glass.
    The door creaked open, allowing the light from the hallway to illuminate the dark room. Tina walked over to the chair and unbuckled the strap on my chest. The other White Coats hesitantly entered the room, their gazes fearful as if I were some sort of monster readying for attack.
    “Help me out, will you?” Tina gestured to the straps on my wrists and ankles as she undid the one on my chest.
    Never taking their eyes off of me, the White Coats leaned over and quickly released the straps, before retreating behind Tina.
    “You have a meeting to attend before we bring you to your room. You will be meeting with your social teacher. She will teach you everything you need to know about living among humans.” Tina smiled, giving me her hand as I lifted myself from the chair.
    A teacher. The idea pleased me. “Will she like me?” I asked, worried that my presence might frighten her. The humans that were brought to Vesta Corp were not always brought in voluntarily and often tried to attack Programs upon meeting them.
    At first the idea puzzled me as to why the humans would act in such a manner, but as I processed it, I began to realize that they were genuinely scared. We were replicas of them. We were created to be replacements. We were created as enhanced versions of the real thing. In the future, the world would belong to us. They had every reason to despise us, but I could only hope that my teacher would welcome me like one of her own.
    “I believe she will. She came here on her own, actually, looking to help with our cause. Her name is Alexis, and Mister McVeigh seems to believe she is the perfect match for you.”
    I lowered my head as we walked across the hall to the training room. Tina opened the heavy metal door, placed her hand on my shoulder, and smiled. I peered inside, checking for Alexis’s reaction before proceeding any farther.
    Sitting at the table was a petite woman with light brown hair and bright blue eyes. “Come in, come in!” She smiled, waving her hand at
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