Private Emotions – Promises (The Private Emotions Trilogy)

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Book: Private Emotions – Promises (The Private Emotions Trilogy) Read Online Free PDF
Author: Elize Amornette
already know you. Come in and take off your coats, we are just having light snacks and drinks, unless of course you want something heavier.”
    “No, that won’t be necessary. I think we can forgo a formal dinner for something a little more casual.” Ethan was nodding his head in agreement and then Scott joined us with a bottle of wine that he got from his wine cellar in the basement. They seemed to be in better spirits than I thought they would be. I could tell that Julia was itching to say something but was waiting for her husband to give her the go-ahead. Touching her shoulder, she reached up, took his hand and then the waterworks started.
    “Is everything okay, guys? If you would rather postpone then…”
    “Oh, these are tears of joy not sadness, Emily. We are going to have another child.” Two baby announcements in one week, this week was turning out to be an unforgettable one. Ethan and I looked at each other and broke out into wide smiles. Being a part of one life-changing announcement was amazing but two…that was just incredible. “We’ve decided that if it’s a boy, then we will name him Kevin after my husband’s father and if it’s a girl she will be named Katherine in the memory of our daughter, Kelly.” That made us all tear up, including Ethan, who could barely contain his emotions.
    Scott said, “This is not the time for tears people, this is a time of celebration, so raise your glasses and let us toast our soon to be newest arrival.”
    “Wouldn’t it be something if the soul of our Kelly was in the new baby and we could somehow feel that was the case?” Julia was thinking wishfully, but in this life, I suppose anything was possible.
    “Julia, even if Kelly isn’t in the new baby, then I think we all know that she will be looking out for him or her from above. You would literally have a guardian angel watching over your little bundle the whole time. We all knew that Kelly was a special child, a guiding light that was taken from us too soon but at least now we knew that she would always be with us. I still remember meeting her for the first time when she lost her ice-cream cone and you allowed me to replace it for her. I will always be grateful for the little time we had together and know that she is probably here smiling at us right now.”
    “That is a nice thought, Emily, and that is one of the reasons why we love you so much and have decided that we want our baby to have you as her or his godparent.” They definitely left me speechless as no one had ever asked me to do such a thing before. I would definitely look forward to helping raise a little one with them. I found out that they were two months into the pregnancy but they didn’t want to know the sex until the birth.
    We finished the evening and they invited me back for the baby shower. I couldn’t have been more touched. I felt my heart flutter with the thought of Kelly and of the memories that I was going to create with their new child. The thought of a new life was somehow fitting and it gave a sense of hope to everyone who had lost anyone in their lives. You just had to see the silver lining even when it remained hidden, until destiny took you in hand and showed you a new path.

    As Ethan drove us back to my place, I could see that we were both on similar paths and it was obvious that we had come into each other’s lives for a purpose, even if we didn’t know it at the time.
    “Penny for your thoughts, Emily.”
    “I was just thinking how everything in life seems to have a purpose, how everything changes and is always moving forward, whether or not we are willing to move forward with it. It just makes me look ahead to the future and what it may hold for me.”
    Taking my hand in his, he said, “I know exactly what you mean and you never know what life is going to place at your feet. Can you imagine hearing two baby announcements in one week? It only goes to show you that with adversity comes opportunity. I’ve never
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