Private Dicks

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Book: Private Dicks Read Online Free PDF
Author: Katie Allen
about it,” Rhodes said, cutting him off. “Now
get your ass to school. Need a ride?”
    “Nah. I can walk, it’s not too far.”
    Standing up, Rhodes extended his hand. Carlos stared at it
for a second before shaking it and then Wash’s.
    “We’ll let you know when we find something, okay?” Wash said
and Carlos nodded.
    “Thanks.” The boy scooted out of the booth and stood
awkwardly, staring at the floor. “The cops think he ran away—you guys don’t, do
    “No,” Rhodes told him honestly. Unfortunately, Carlos’
brother most likely hadn’t run away.
    Carlos’ head came up. “Thanks. Let me know as soon as you
find him, ’kay?”
    “Of course,” Wash promised and Rhodes nodded in agreement.
    They watched the skinny kid leave.
    “Shit,” muttered Rhodes.
    Wash stared at the picture in his hand. “Total pedophile
bait,” he sighed, his face serious and tired for a few moments before his
expression lightened. “Tell me—what license do we need pro bono work for
    With a growl, Rhodes cuffed his partner on the back of the
head. “Shut the fuck up.”
    They didn’t get much done on Miguel’s case that morning.
Once they got back to the office, a steady trickle of clients kept them busy
until almost one. It meant paying work that didn’t involve bail jumpers, which
was a good thing, Rhodes reminded himself, especially considering the “ pro
bono ” case they’d be spending the majority of their time on for a while.
    Despite this fact, the skinny woman sitting across his desk
was still annoying the hell out of him.
    “No,” he said for the fifteenth time.
    “Why not?” she whined. “I told you I can pay.”
    Forcing his jaw to relax enough so he could answer her, he
said with exaggerated patience, “We’re not jumping your ex’s new girlfriend.”
    “But the bitch moved in with him! We just broke up three
weeks ago!”
    Rhodes’ eyes flicked to the door of his tiny office,
desperate for Wash to pop in and free him from this interminable discussion.
For once, his partner didn’t burst in with some crisis or another. He sighed.
“I don’t care. We don’t beat people up for no reason—even if you offer to pay.”
    “No reason ?” The woman’s voice sharpened to an outraged
high squeak and Rhodes winced. His lack of sleep had given him a headache and
this person was not helping. “The whoring slut is screwing my Tony!”
    He eyed the woman. “Why aren’t you pissed at Tony then?” he
asked, not even trying to hide his exasperation anymore.
    She stared at him as if he were an idiot. “I love Tony.”
    “Whatever.” He pushed back his chair and stood. “You’re
wasting your time here. We don’t do beat-downs.”
    The woman didn’t budge from her chair. “Is there anyone you
could recommend then?”
    Rhodes almost laughed at that. “No—no recommendation. My
advice is to give up on Tony and find a different guy. Leave this new
girlfriend alone or you’ll find yourself doing some jail time.”
    She scowled. “But—”
    “No.” His phone beeped and Rhodes pulled it out of his
pocket with utter relief.
    “Huh,” he grunted, reading the text message. “Excuse me,
please,” he told the woman across from him, who reluctantly stood up. He
ushered her out of his office and almost shoved her out of the reception area.
Wash’s office door was open, so Rhodes stuck his head in.
    Wash glanced away from his computer screen. “What’s up?”
    “Gomez wants to meet us at Crawley’s in,” he checked his
watch, “half an hour.”
    “Better get moving then,” Wash said, pushing back his chair.
He stood, stretching his arms above his head.
    Rhodes stared, fascinated by the ripple of muscles beneath
Wash’s shirt. “What?” he grunted, realizing that Wash was grinning at him.
    “Wakey, wakey,” Wash teased. “That lack of sleep is catching
up with you, Rhodie.”
    Flushing, Rhodes wondered if Wash would think it was so
funny if he knew what had
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