Prince of Power

Prince of Power Read Online Free PDF

Book: Prince of Power Read Online Free PDF
Author: Elisabeth Staab
Tyra and I got back to the estate last night. We decided it was best to get cleaned up and rested before we announced our presence. I just came over from her place.”
    â€œTyra’s back too? And you stayed with her last night?” There was no reason in the world for that to bother her. None. At all.
    â€œThat she is . ” Lee pushed off and started to turn from her. His boot steps left subtle impressions in the flowered carpet. “Listen,” he continued. “I mean it, Alexia. You shouldn’t be out by yourself during daylight hours.”
    Nnng . You could have played music with her tightly strung neck muscles. No freaking way was he telling her what she could and couldn’t do, or when she could or couldn’t do it. She took a step and planted her feet wide, making a grab for his arm. Her fingers barely snagged his shirt, but that was enough to irritate him, judging from the flash in his eyes. Score one for the short girl.
    â€œWhat the hell are you talking about? I’m on a two-hundred-acre estate that is protected by both a human security system and vampire hoodoo. What could possibly happen?”
    Truthfully, thanks to a growing problem with insomnia, Alexia’s sleep cycles were wacky these days. Typically she was back inside the mansion before it was fully light outside. She’d poke a fork in her own eye, though, before she defended herself to Lee.
    He shrugged. “Can’t be too careful.” He reached out and chucked her under the chin. Like a kid, for fuck’s sake. “Already had to use my blood to save your ass once. Don’t go wasting it by being stupid.” And with that, he turned again and headed down the hallway.
    Alexia was speechless. God damn him. She snorted quietly. What an unbelievable asshole. So Lee had saved her life and ever since then she’d had some sort of stupid little crush thing going for the big bastard. But he was an arrogant jerk and she was so over it. She threw her shoulders back and straightened her spine to begin the long march down the hall to her room.
    The confident display felt important even if he wasn’t there to witness it.

Chapter 4
    When Dr. Brayden had come up through the tunnels that morning to assist with Theresa’s birth, he’d given word that the search for the king’s sister and Lee was resolved. Good news, but Xander was disappointed to have missed all the action. It was his own fault, though. Besides, he’d been witnessing life-or-death drama of a different nature entirely.
    So much blood.
    And the screams.
    Xander had never been party to anything so horrific. All the times he’d done battle against the wizards, and yet he hadn’t even had the stomach to watch the outcome of the terror in that room.
    He bowed his head quietly and prayed to a God he wasn’t sure he believed in anymore. He was perched uncomfortably in a rust-colored leather chair that was not his own, murmuring words that were equally rusty and foreign, when Theresa’s bedroom door off to his left clicked open.
    He lifted his head. Greg Brayden took a seat across from him. The normally neat doctor looked as if someone had tossed him into a clothes dryer for a few cycles. “Brayden. How is everything?”
    â€œThe midwife is stitching her up.” The doctor lowered his head. “I know. It always looks like a great deal of blood loss, but I think she’s going to be fine.”
    Xander cleared his throat, willing away the lump he couldn’t swallow around. “Thank goodness.”
    Brayden closed his eyes for a moment. “Yeah. Lucky she made it. She’s been through an awful lot.”
    Xander cleared his throat again. That lump wouldn’t go away. He toed at the dark brown carpet with his boot. “Absolutely.” Though he never would have admitted it to a soul, his body shook a little. Theresa had recently lost her mate in battle. The sight
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