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noticed the Rottweiler as it was barking in the direction Ponytail ran. With no time to waste, he decided to run around the fence.
The oddity in this was that Logan did not get winded as easily as he would have before transforming into that big brown and red dog. Plus he did not feel any soreness in his ribs, as he had before either.
Logan moved at an incredible Olympic sprinter’s fast rate. He could feel his feet getting ahead of him, kind of like he still moved on all fours. The wind blew around his face; he could feel his cheeks blowing back almost as an animal would when running at such break neck speed. The next corner was nearing. Without breaking for a second, he dipped to the right, witnessed Ponytail dart through an alleyway.
Ponytail passed by three trash bins while in the alley. He made it his business to knock them over as he flew by. Once reaching the other end of the alley, he sporadically looked both ways before deciding to make an immediate left on the sidewalk.
Logan hurdled over the trash bins one by one. He hadn’t panted nor slowed down. In fact, he sped up a bit while giving chase. He caught a visual of Ponytail nearing the end of the alley, as he darted to the left.
“Hey!” Logan shouted in hopes of the purse snatcher getting scared and dropping the purse he’d just snatched from Pamela. “Hey… stop!”
It was useless.
By the time he had reached the end of the alley, Ponytail had vanished. Logan slowed the pace down a bit to get a feel of the area while staying on the path he was led to.
Where did he go?
The streets were empty. Two cars had passed by. Logan looked inside of them to see if any of the occupants were Ponytail. No luck there. He looked toward the Duplex’s and single family homes up and down both sides of the street.
Then he heard the sounds of gushing water. Up the block, just around the corner was a fire hydrant, spitting out H2O. Some noisy neighborhood kids came out of nowhere in swimming trunks and bikinis. They began splashing around in the water as it sprayed, to beat the heat.
A gust of wind erupted. Logan grabbed himself a whiff and could not believe his senses. His face twisted to the aroma; his head lifted. His nose twitched – that was a scent he’d just not long ago encountered. With a jolt of his head, he followed his instincts and headed off straight for it.
A Girl’s Best Friend: An Erotic Shapeshifter Paranormal Romance, Chapter 11
His instincts led him in the direction of the children, but he knew the whiff he’d caught was not theirs. It was more of an odiferous person, a man. He knew it was Ponytail. And he had to have been somewhere, near the vicinity, hiding.
But this was another quirk in Logan’s brain. If he had smelled Ponytail, then he must have been in his dog form and didn’t know it. He looked to the merrily playing children, and then faltered his sights, took a deep breath and stunningly looked downward to visualize the sweaty palms of his nervous hands.
Bang, bang…
The double shots arose from across the street.
Logan ducked imperatively; the children scattered.
It was as if Ponytail could run no further any longer. He huffed and puffed as he had sounded off three more shots in Logan’s direction. He stepped into the street, still grasping the purse clutched under his arm, unloading the semi-auto in the broad of day.
Logan stayed low, ran along the bricks of the houses and walls to dodge the bullets. “What’s wrong with you?” he shouted, as pieces of brick and dust trailed him down the street, each shot just mere inches from hitting him.
Sirens emerged from what broadcasted like two blocks over. Great, thought Logan. Pamela had finally contacted the police and they were on the way.
Ponytail fired three more shots behind Logan before an about face, and a jolt for the next alley. In fact, he made it to the alley, turned back to look at his damage for a split second and smirked. Not a stranger to danger, he knew he