Possessed - Part Two

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Book: Possessed - Part Two Read Online Free PDF
Author: Coco Cadence
[email protected]
    TO: [email protected]
    LOL. You make me laugh. Don’t apologize, it’s not your fault. I refuse to feel down because of him, so … bring it on! I’m ready to play ;)
    … Sir.
    FROM: [email protected]
    TO: [email protected]
    All right … we’ll do something else today if you’re up for it.
    I want you to go shopping. Buy yourself something nice. Something sexy. Lace. A little bit of black … or red. I want to see what you look like in those clothes. We’ll play when you get back home. That way you have something to look forward to.
    FROM: [email protected]
    TO: [email protected]
    Yes, Sir! I’m on it. Luckily, I still have his credit card so this should be fun!
    Screw the rules. I’m going to make him regret giving this to me.
    FROM: [email protected]
    TO: [email protected]
    Hahaha, you cheeky girl. I will have to punish you for that later … that’s no way to behave. However, I will allow you to use it, only once. I will make you spank yourself for purposefully doing something bad, though.
    I like it when my Princess is bad, but only in a naughty way. Not in a bitchy way.
    Now go buy 1 item with that credit card. 1 item. Nothing more.
    I expect you to be back in two hours. Talk to me on the app when you are.
    FROM: [email protected]
    TO: [email protected]
    Yes, Sir. I’m sorry, I should know better … it’s just so hard not to be bad.
    I’m going shopping now. I’ll speak to you later!
    I close down my laptop, grab my purse, and hurry my perky ass out of the door to do some happy shopping.
    One hour later …
    It doesn’t take me long to find the perfect outfit for Mr. Awesome with both black and red in the fabric. Just thinking about putting it on and showing it off to him already gets me high from endorphins. God, what a good fuck partner can do to you. Sometimes I wish he was my boyfriend, but I guess that’s just wishful thinking.
    Plus, it would be kind of weird … what if he was totally not my type? We’d never be able to get it off like we do on the phone if that was the case. Nope, what we have now is pretty good, and I don’t want to spoil it.
    I’ll just have to think about what to do about this situation while enjoying a nice pumpkin spice latte. Nothing like some coffee after a shopping spree.
    Right when I sit down at a table in the corner of Starbucks, I hear a couple talking quite loud, which immediately draws my attention.
    Holy … shit.
    Oh, my God.
    It’s Leo and that woman, Marilyn.

Chapter 7
    “What the …” I mutter to myself, putting down my coffee.
    I listen to the conversation they’re having while trying not to be noticed.
    “You had to go and ruin it,” Leo says.
    “I was trying to help you,” Marilyn says.
    “No, you were trying to sabotage me. Like you always do.”
    “I’m not! I was trying to help you out.”
    “Tsk, you call that helping? Showing up after telling me you wouldn’t?” He frowns. “You told me you didn’t want anything to do with me.”
    She fake smiles. “That’s because of your choices, not mine.”
    He sets his coffee cup down so hard the coffee splashes over the edges. “I didn’t choose for you to be the horrible stuck-up bitch you are.”
    Holy shit. Talk about marital fights. This shit is real.
    “Well, excuse me for finally giving you what you deserve.”
    “Is that what you want? To hurt me?” Leo stands up. “You’ve done it, all right. You try to ruin my chances with this company. With her. You ruin everything.”
    My cheeks flush. With her? Does he mean me?
    He grabs his coffee cup and throws it in the trash. “I’m out of
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