Point Blank (Sisterhood Book 26)

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Book: Point Blank (Sisterhood Book 26) Read Online Free PDF
Author: Fern Michaels
together, Harry.”
    “Okay, Jack.”
    Jack felt his stomach muscles cramp up. He hated it when Harry was nice and agreeable, because he never knew what Harry would do next.
    “Five miles out,” Jack said. “See that mile marker.” Cooper barked to show he saw it.
    Harry laughed. “I really need to know who Cooper came back as. You know they say sometimes people die and come back as someone else or an animal. That kind of thing.”
    “And you know this how?” Jack asked.
    “I know it because that goddamn dog is not of this world, and don’t even think of trying to tell me that he is. See, you don’t hear him barking, do you? That means I’m right. We are in the presence of . . . of . . . something.”
    “I am not going there, Harry. I am never ever going there, so just shut the hell up.”
    The moment Jack turned on his turn signal, Cooper unbuckled his seat belt. He leaned forward and nuzzled Jack’s neck and ear. Jack went from relaxed to downright rigid.
    “He’s in a good position to sink those canines into your carotid artery or your jugular. You know that, right?” Harry said.
    Cooper threw his head back and barked, then resumed the same position. Jack could feel the dog’s warm, wet breath on his neck. “Rub my neck, Coop. Dig those paws into my shoulder blades. Ahhhh, that feels good. Good boy.”
    “You’re an asshole, Jack,” Harry said as he opened the car door before Jack could put the car in park. He sprinted across the courtyard to Myra’s kitchen door, where she was waiting with one of Charles’s jackets over her shoulders.
    “Where’s Yoko?”
    “She couldn’t make it, Harry. She called and said something came up and for you to head home as soon as you got here. She said to hurry. What’s wrong? What happened?” Instead of responding, Harry ran back to the car.
    “Jack, I need you to lend me your car. Yoko isn’t here. She told Myra to have me come home right away. Stay, Cooper,” Harry said, but he might as well have saved his breath. Cooper was already in the passenger seat and buckled up.
    Jack tossed his keys to Harry. “You want me to come with you?”
    “No. I’m going to speed, and I don’t need you yelling at me. I’ll call you. Here,” he said, handing Jack his cell phone. “You need to charge this. I’ll call you after I get home.”
    His mouth open, his eyes glazed, Jack watched Harry burn rubber as he backed out the Beemer and tore down the road to the gate, which was standing open.
    “What the hell . . .”
    They were all there suddenly, throwing questions at him as Nikki led him into the warm, fragrant kitchen.
    “Talk to us!” Annie and Myra said at the same moment.

Chapter 3
    H arry hadn’t lied to Jack. He drove like a bat out of hell, Cooper growling his displeasure the entire time. Harry ignored him as he grumbled that he was in a hurry. Cooper growled louder. Twice, police cars pulled him over, but he flashed his special gold badge and was rewarded the second time around with a police escort to his dojo. He mumbled a quick word of thanks to the police officer, who simply stared at Harry and the dog while scratching his head and wondering who this off-beat character with the special shield was. The purple basket of dog toys and gear that he could see through the open car door mystified him even more. Maybe the dog was some kind of movie star. Yeah, he had heard that they were filming in town for some movie. He relished the idea that he would have something juicy to talk about when he returned to the precinct. Too bad it was a dog and not someone like Lindsay Lohan.
    Minutes later, man and dog raced through the dojo to the stairs leading to the second floor. Harry shouted Yoko’s name every step of the way, Cooper barking shrilly to announce their arrival.
    Yoko was standing at the top of the steps, her hands out in front of her, the signal for Harry to grind to a halt. “What? What?” Harry bellowed. Cooper continued to bark. Harry was so
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