Point Blank (Sisterhood Book 26)

Point Blank (Sisterhood Book 26) Read Online Free PDF

Book: Point Blank (Sisterhood Book 26) Read Online Free PDF
Author: Fern Michaels
you on the phone that he got Hop and Gan out but couldn’t find Lily. I don’t know anything about Buddhists, Harry, so help me out here. You said you lived with the monks for years and years. Jun, too. So what could have gone wrong after all this time? What would put those kids in danger?”
    “Ask Cooper,” Harry snapped. “Jeez, I’m sorry, Jack. I don’t know. I can’t even begin to imagine. You were there, you saw how wonderful it was, how peaceful and tranquil and how all those kids, no matter their age, were happy and thriving. Maybe it has something to do with the new Abbot. He’s into tourism and commercialism.
    “Several months ago, Jun Yu did tell me that the monks were convening to discuss the Abbot’s ouster, but then he never said anything more. We need to go there. As soon as possible.” Cooper barked vigorously at that comment.
    “I thought the dog was asleep,” Jack said, looking in the rearview mirror.
    “He just pretends. As far as I know, that dog never sleeps,” Harry whispered. Cooper barked again to show he’d heard Harry’s comment. “See!”
    “And by we I assume you mean all of us, the girls, everyone, right?”
    “How else can we do it? Annie and Dennis are the ones with the Gulfstreams. We’ll need Jack Sparrow to clear the way for us. The paperwork alone could bog us down for months. While yours and mine are up to date, the others have to start from scratch. So, when we get back, are we heading straight for Myra’s or my dojo? I only have enough juice for maybe two more calls at the most. Unless you remembered to bring your charger. Did you?”
    “Well, no, Harry, the charger wasn’t exactly on my mind when I left the house after that dream this morning. Call Yoko and explain things and have her call everyone to meet either at Myra’s farm or at our place, which is just next door across the field.”
    Harry was already pressing the number two button that would connect him with his wife. “Crap, she isn’t answering. She’s probably at the nursery. Christmas trees were supposed to be delivered today. I think. Then again, maybe it’s tomorrow. Yoko never carries her cell phone in her pocket, and she is notorious for leaving it someplace and not being able to find it. For some strange reason, she really hates the cell phone. Sometimes I don’t pay attention to things like that when she’s going on and on.”
    “Call Nikki. She always answers. It’s the lawyer in her.”
    Harry pressed the number one on Jack’s phone. Nikki picked up on the second ring. “Jack said to call everyone for an emergency meeting at Myra’s for six o’clock . . . Shit, Jack, the phone died.”
    “Well, at least you got the gist of it out. Nikki will know what to do.” Cooper barked to show his agreement as he continued to snuggle with his one-eared rabbit with the half tail.
    Neither Harry nor Jack spoke again until Jack took the exit that would take him out to Pinewood. “Forty minutes and we’re home.”
    “You’re home. How the hell am I supposed to get back to the District?”
    Jack looked at his old and dearest friend. Was Harry losing it? “Duh. With your wife, of course. Unless she hitched a ride with Alexis or Kathryn. But knowing that you and Cooper are going to be there, I assume she is savvy enough to figure it all out on her own. Don’t you think, Harry?” Not bothering to wait for a response, Jack continued. “Listen, Harry, you need to look sharp here. I can’t do it all. I need you to be the down-and-dirty guy you always pretend to be. You know our rule. We kick ass and take names later. Now, are you part of the problem or part of the solution?” He waited for what he was sure was going to be a surly response delivered in a way only Harry Wong could deliver it.
    “I hear you, Jack. You’re right. I’m just worried about my daughter.”
    In the backseat, Cooper let loose with a series of soft woofs.
    “See, even the dog is telling you he’s on it. Keep it
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