Pia Saves the Day

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Book: Pia Saves the Day Read Online Free PDF
Author: Thea Harrison
Tags: paranormal romance, dragon, vacation, pia, cuelebre, elder races, dragos, dracos, wyr
essence of cool, wild moonlight.
    Her eyes confused and agitated him.
    The dragon growled, “You disturb me.”
    Ducking her golden head, the female averted her gaze. “I apologize.”
    She was soft-spoken, her voice gentle. He had dreamed of such a voice whispering to him brokenly through the night. Come back. Come back to me.
    The memory of the dream made him shake his head. Pain flared at the movement, and he bared his teeth in defiance against it. “Why do you dare bother me, and why should I let you survive it?”
    “I brought you gifts.”
    Nobody brought the dragon gifts. The very idea was laughable.
    While there was fear in the female’s expression as she spoke, she watched him steadily without backing away, and her fear was not gratifying to him.
    In fact, her fear disturbed him in a deeply profound way. He couldn’t think clearly enough to puzzle it out. Leaning his aching head against the side of a boulder, he snapped, “What kind of gifts?”
    “I would be glad to show you,” she said in her soft, gentle voice. “But I’m afraid you might not be able to see them properly. It looks like you have dried blood in one of your eyes.”
    As soon as she said it, he realized it was true. Raising one forepaw, he rubbed at the eye on his blind side, which made the pain worse.
    “Perhaps you might be able to see better if you could rinse some of the blood away,” the female suggested. “I would be glad to help you, if you like.”
    Snapping his head up, he hissed, “Stay back.”
    She recoiled, the fear flaring again in her wide gaze. “Of course. I only meant to help.”
    The dragon could hear the truth in her voice, and once again, her fear disturbed him at some deep level. He growled, “Stay exactly where you are. I will deal with this myself.”
    “Yes, all right,” she whispered.
    He shifted closer to the spring, and, craning his neck, he managed to angle the injured side of his head under running water. The icy wetness cascaded over his hide, washing away the blood. It also helped to ease the pain somewhat, and he heaved a sigh of relief.
    He stayed like that for some time, until his thoughts came with more clarity, and he was able to work his eye open. Lifting his head, he shook off the water and turned back to the female.
    She had eased the pack from her back and taken a seat on the ground, resting her bright head in her hands. Her posture was at once both weary and so dejected, the sight tugged at him.
    Troubled by his mysterious reactions to her, his crankiness returned. He hadn’t asked for her to climb up his mountain and inflict her unwanted presence or emotions on him. “Now,” the dragon said in a silken tone of voice, “what is this nonsense about you bringing me gifts?”
    Her head came up. “I did. Can I show them to you now?”
    Enjoying the way her hair glinted in the sunlight, he relaxed back against the hot stone ledge. The only reason why she would have brought him anything was because she wanted something from him. The more value there was in her gift, the more she would want from him. There was something wily about this female, and he meant to get to the bottom of why she had come.
    “Very well,” he told her.
    He watched her from under lowered eyelids, as she opened her pack and drew out cloth-wrapped packages tied with twine. Taking the largest and clearly the heaviest, she set it on the ground, untied the twine and pulled back the cloth to reveal several bricks made of gold.
    While he didn’t abandon his relaxed posture, inside the dragon grew tense. Valuable gifts, indeed. He said, “Show me the rest.”
    She appeared eager now, as she did as he ordered. The next package she bared for his sharp gaze was much smaller and contained a handful of clear, shining rocks that reflected shards of light as icy as the mountain spring. Diamonds. The third package she opened held stones of such rich, deep violet-hued blue they had to be sapphires.
    For a long moment, the
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