Perfectly Broken
tilting his head to see her eyes. “Are you seeing someone?”
    Peyton gathered herself and turned to face him. “I don’t have to answer you. It’s none of your business.”
    “Just tell me you aren’t wasting your time on Griffin Dupuis.”
    “Who told you that?”
    “So you are dating him?”
    “No,” Peyton replied but then wished she hadn’t been so quick. “Where are you getting all this?” Reed hesitated for a moment. “Who?” she pressed.
    “Um, Google.”
    Peyton raised her eyebrows, finding the intense, confident Reed nowhere to be found. “Find anything interesting?”
    “I found a picture of Griffin Douchebag with his hand around your waist.”
    “And did that bother you?”
    “Let’s just say it made me curious.”
    “Curious, huh? I’m curious what I’d find if I Googled you.”
    “You haven’t already?” Reed squirmed in his chair, not knowing how many women she’d find on his arm, or God forbid what she might find out about his father. “How about you just ask whatever you want to know?”
    She paused for a moment. “Can’t think of anything I want to know.”
    Reed rolled his eyes and stood up, knowing she again had the upper hand. She’s so damn cute. “I guess I’ll see you tomorrow. Maybe you’ll think of something by then.” She shrugged her shoulders. He walked towards the door but before opening it, turned around. “You and Griffin?”
    “Just friends.”
    “His hand did bother me, by the way.” He saw Peyton’s cheeks blush. “Save me a piece of my pie tomorrow, and don’t forget to lock up.”
    * * *
    Bret looked around Cooter Brown’s, a popular New Orleans watering hole. Reed was late, but that was fine. Bret took out his phone and pulled up a video, turning the volume down low. He fixed his eyes on the screen — a young Asian dude with a cool vibe and crooked hat moving to some electronic music.
    “Pop your shoulders, left then right,” the Asian commanded, demonstrating how it was done. Bret complied as if his life depended on it.
    “Now add in your feet. You can go front to back, or side to side. Doesn’t matter. Feel your own flow. Just bounce slowly. Don’t rush it.” Bret again complied and moved as best he could in his chair. “Keep doing both things.” Bret quickly added his shoulders back in, having forgotten about them when he moved his feet. “We’ll add another layer in a moment.”
    “Now add in your hips.” The Asian gyrated his in a circular motion. “Let them talk — really talk.” Bret tried to keep pace, swinging his hips violently while trying to keep his shoulders and feet going. He quickly grew angry, overwhelmed, pissed at the Asian who’d suddenly begun to move his hands and arms without any accompanying instructions.
    Reed walked into the bar, and several women in mini-skirts flashed him a sexy smile. But he walked right past them, needing to find Bret. He spotted his friend sitting alone, moving like he was in pain while looking at his phone. He approached Bret from behind and took a seat at the table. “What the hell are you doing?”
    Bret quickly sat up and shut off his phone. “Um, nothing.”
    “Whatever it was, it was perverse.” Reed grabbed a pretzel and tossed it in his mouth. “What were you watching?”
    “Quinn wants me to take her dancing. You know I can’t dance.”
    “So you thought a video would help?”
    “I don’t know.” Bret slugged his beer. “I was trying to learn some moves.”
    “The video isn’t helping, but I need your help.”
    “That’s a first.” Bret raised an eyebrow. “Who is she?”
    Bret shook his head. “Quinn will jack you up, dude. She’s petite but has a big temper. Very controlling — especially about the people she loves.”
    Reed waved him off. “Peyton’s playing games. You have to help me out.”
    “Can’t do it.”
    “Come on!” Reed begged then had a thought. “Any chance she’s going dancing?”
    “I don’t think
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