Overworld Chronicles Books 1-2: Sweet Blood of Mine & Dark Light of Mine
one of those stay-at-home jobs and hated driving cars—he much preferred his ancient Indian motorcycle which I thought looked kind of dorky by current standards. As I looked for a parking spot I noticed a mass of students milling in the parking lot near the school entrance. Strange. Usually everyone went inside, especially considering the cold and the freezing wind. Gray clouds scudded across the sky. Rain puddles dotted the asphalt. It was not a good day to be outside. I figured the principal must be running a fire drill.
    After heaving my backpack on my right shoulder, I made my way toward the chattering crowd and the doors to the school. My breath frosted in the cold morning air and my glasses fogged up a bit thanks to the knit cap I had shoved low onto my forehead. I stopped for a moment to take off my glasses and wipe them. As I stood there I noticed how quiet the crowd had become. I pushed my glasses back on and looked ahead. Dozens of eyes stared back. I looked behind me expecting to see the latest pre-pubescent pop star step out of a limo. Nope, nobody there.
    My stomach writhed and scurried away to hide in my bowels. Something was seriously amiss this morning. Nathan . He waited for me. I just knew it. I almost backpedaled and made a run for my car but that would be postponing the inevitable. I had to think my way out of this. The crowd parted as I reached the edge. Familiar green eyes locked onto mine as I stepped into an arena in the middle of the mob. Katie stood a few feet from the glass doors leading into the school. Next to her stood a person that made my heart join my stomach in hiding.
    Brad Nichols punched a leather-gloved fist into his palm and grinned.

Chapter 5
    If there ever was a time for me to soil my underwear, it was now. Thankfully, that didn't happen. Brad approached, malice gleaming in his eyes.
    Katie gripped his arm. "Stop, Brad. Please!"
    He jerked his arm free and promptly ignored her. He looked me up and down. It didn't take long, considering I was at least a full head shorter. He wasn't nearly as tall as Nathan but that didn't matter. I waited for him to say something. Instead, he buried his fist in my stomach.
    My backpack fell from my shoulder. I staggered back, gasping for breath and wheeling to the right. A low leafless hedge tripped me. My face planted in a puddle of muck. I jerked my head clear and took in a shuddering breath but got a mouthful of brown slime instead. Mud caked the left side of my glasses and dribbled down my cheek. Through the right side I saw Mark and Harry snorting with laughter next to a couple of other guys I didn't know. They caught my gaze and sobered, apologetic expressions on their faces. Rage flared in my chest. I pushed myself to my knees. I didn't care what happened. I was going to beat the crap out of Brad.
    Before I could stand, however, Brad grabbed my jacket and hauled me backwards over the hedge. He snatched off my knit cap and tossed it away before shoving me on my back. Cold dampness seeped into the seat of my pants. He'd dropped me right into a freezing water puddle on the sidewalk. I tried to spring to my feet but my clumsy girth hampered me and made it a slow climb instead. I rolled onto my knees, soaking the front of my pants. My hands went numb with cold.
    Katie had Brad by the arm again. He shoved her away and she hit her head on the door. Raw fury flowed into my veins. Do something, you fat idiot! Pain burst into my skull. It wasn't from Brad this time. It was my stupid migraines flaring up again. Brad's fist caught me in the cheek. My glasses flew off. My jaw ached but didn't hurt nearly as much as it should have. I roared. Brad howled with laughter. I probably looked like an infuriated chipmunk.
    "Look at the angry little pig," he said. Gales of laughter chimed in from the onlookers.
    I jumped to my feet. He came at me again, fist cocked, eyes smug. I swung. My fist connected. His jaw made a terrible popping noise. His legs wobbled.
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