Overworld Chronicles Books 1-2: Sweet Blood of Mine & Dark Light of Mine
walked me outside after we finished our homework. "Thanks for helping me out. Calculus is so hard, but I have to get better at it if I'm going to get into a good college."
    I could hardly stand it. She was so unlike most of the hot girls I knew—or knew of, in any case. She seemed smart and yet she was going for smacktards like Brad. I tried to muster the courage to kiss her, but her hug came fast and her body language seemed to indicate a kiss was off the table.
    Grow a pair and kiss her.
    Yeah. It wasn't going to happen.
    When I arrived at home, Dad was still up watching TV. A pile of empty beer bottles littered the coffee table. I went into my room and changed into cargo shorts and a T-shirt. The rest of the house was silent. "Where's Mom?"
    Dad kept his eyes on the tube. "Girls' night out."
    "Shouldn't you be doing a boys' night out then?"
    "This is boys' night out," he said, motioning me over to the couch and thumbing the cap off another beer bottle. He handed it to me.
    "Seriously? Won't Mom kick your butt for contributing to the delinquency of minors?"
    "That's all life is, kiddo. When you've had enough contributions to your delinquency, then you're officially an adult."
    "Deep stuff," I said and took a swig. Beer always tastes great for the first few sips then it tastes like carbonated toilet water. Of course this was one of those major father-son milestones and I wasn't about to spoil it for Dad or myself.
    Dad turned the TV off and studied me for a moment. "I know we haven't talked about girls much, Justin, mainly because it's kind of uncomfortable talking to a parent about…some things. How are things with women overall? Anything strange ever happen?"
    His question struck me as odd. "Strange like how?" I thought about the headaches, the blurry vision, and the way odors—especially Old Spice—seemed to attack my nose at random. That was strange, but I figured it had to do with growing pains and the popularity of Old Spice. I almost told him about those occurrences but stopped myself. He'd just tell Mom and then she would freak out and probably take me to the emergency room.
    Dad examined me with narrowed eyes. What was he looking for? After a moment, a look of relief settled into his face and he shrugged. "Well, girls are tough business, so let me know if I can give you some tips."
    I did not want him going all after-school special on me, so I took a long guzzle of beer. By the time I'd finished my second bottle, I had my first alcoholic buzz going. I felt warm, fuzzy, and happy, like I was drinking hot chocolate on a freezing cold day. I also felt very clever. Apparently alcohol increases charm and courage by at least ten points. I tapped out a text to Katie. Dad snatched my phone before I could send the masterpiece and put the phone out of my reach.
    "Not a good idea," he said, chuckling. "You'll thank me in the morning."
    "But everything is so clear. I have to tell her now."
    "Yeah. Sure it is. That's your last beer, kiddo. Drink a lot of water if you don't want to feel like crap tomorrow."
    I took his advice and drank water until I felt it might leak from my ears.
    * * * * *
    I woke up the next morning with only a mild hangover and a bursting bladder. My phone lay next to my computer. I looked at it and the text I had almost sent to Katie.
    U R teh most beautiful perfect creature that will ever walk this Earth and I am ur king 4eva.
    I grimaced and deleted the atrocity before my fat fingers accidentally sent the thing. Adults really do know what they're talking about sometimes. I thanked Dad under my breath for saving me from publicly castrating myself via sheer idiocy. I'm sure my message would have found its way to the Texts from Last Night website if Jenny or Annie had gotten hold of Katie's phone.
    I looked at the clock and realized I'd never be ready in time for the school bus. I popped a couple of ibuprofen to quell the slight ache in my skull and got ready. I drove Dad's Jetta to school since he had
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