expression on the dude’s face. Jagger stepped aside to let his ex-Captain in and realized that he was pretty damned certain this was the first time another person had ever been in his dorm room. In the morning, he would leave it behind forever and this was the first time he’d ever had a visitor. He was a pathetic disaster.
“What’s up, Riley?” He asked when the other guy plopped down on his bed like he owned the place. It was strange because they’d never really had much of a relationship until the last two weeks, but he would miss Riley. While they hadn’t been friends (since Jagger didn’t allow that sort of shit in his life), he had always admired and respected the guy. The past two weeks, Riley had really made an effort to get to know Jagger and, surprisingly enough, Jagger had enjoyed their chats. Wasn’t that just a kick in the ass? College life was over and he almost made a friend.
“You don’t have to do this, Jag. It’s a stupid game. I can get you out of this in a heartbeat; just say the word and I’ll make it all disappear.” Riley blurted out.
Jag snorted. “Really? How long has the Captain’s challenge been going on? Ten years? Fifteen years? This shit is tradition and I’ll be damned if I’m the pussy that ruins tradition.” He shrugged like what was happening wasn’t a huge deal, when they both knew it was. “It’s not like he’s going to rape me or anything. He was just trying to mess with my head with his stupid challenge. It’s no big deal. Twenty-four hours will fly by and I’ll be back, no worse for the wear.”
Riley leaned back and propped his feet across the foot of Jagger’s dorm bed. “Yeah, it could go like that or it could go a different way.” When Jagger opened his mouth to argue, Riley silenced him with a wave of his hand. “Just listen for a few minutes, okay, Jag? I don’t know what the hell went on between you and Colton…hell, I’m pretty sure nothing happened, but that sure the fuck isn’t what Colton wanted. He wants you, Jag. I mean, he really wants you. It’s written all over his face when he looks at you and, trust me, he is always looking at you.”
Jagger felt his face grow hot again. “It’s not like that, Riley. I’m not like that . He’s just playing rich boy games by toying with people’s minds. There wasn’t ever anything between us and there never will be.” Colton had always stared at him, always closely watched every move he’d made. It’d driven him crazy as a young teenager and was even worse now that he was older. Hell, he was pretty sure the dude had even followed him home sometimes when they’d been kids.
“If that lie helps you sleep at night, go ahead and keep telling it to yourself. Trust me, Jag, Montgomery cut you out of the pack a long time ago. That boy has wanted you in his bed for way too long. I’m not sure I trust him to behave like the gentleman he swears he will be. When you’ve had an itch that’s gone unscratched that long…well, shit can happen. You aren’t going. It’s settled.”
Why, exactly, did those words make him feel disappointed instead of relieved? He should be thankful that Riley was willing to step in and save him…from himself. Fuck, could he trust himself around Colton? Did he really want Colton…in a sexual way? He wasn’t gay. He couldn’t be gay. Yeah, he was pretty sure he was either gay or bisexual. If he wasn’t, Colton Montgomery wouldn’t cause his blood to boil and his cock to harden every…damned…time.
“I’m not breaking tradition, Riley. You don’t have anything to worry about. I hate the arrogant bastard, but I’m fairly certain he isn’t a Chester the molester.”
Why the fuck was he arguing to go ?
Riley got up and poured both of them a shot of the whiskey he’d brought to Jagger’s room with him. “Bottoms up, Jag,” Riley said with a friendly smirk.
“Hardy-har-har ,” Jagger countered. He wasn’t much of a drinker, but he downed his shot