she demanded, “Are you seeing
her behind my back?”
    “No!” he said, his eyes opened wide with surprise.
“What are you talking about?”
    “So, what is going on? You have been acting distant,
and everywhere you go Marissa follows you like a lost puppy.”
    “She does not!” he shouted at her, obviously
irritated by her accusations. “Where is all this coming from,
    Brenna looked at him, trying to evaluate whether to
punch him or believe him. “What have you been up to, Dylan?”
    “I’ve been preoccupied,” he said lamely. “I have a
lot to think about.”
    “Like what?”
    “Why are you getting mad at me? I haven’t done
anything wrong!”
    “I just want... the truth. I want to know what’s up
with you. If you’re not with Marissa, are you with someone else?
Are you going to break up with me?”
    “You’re obviously out of your mind, and I am too
tired for this,” he told her, rubbing his temples as he walked to
the door. Holding it open, he said, “We’ll talk about it tomorrow.
Right now, I’m going to bed.”
    Brenna could take a hint. She walked out of Dylan’s
suite, feeling worse than when she had entered. The status of their
relationship wasn’t clear, and Marissa was still nowhere to be
found. She hoped everything would be clearer in the morning.
    Looking up, Brenna could make out Hallie’s silhouette
in the hall, standing by the doors to the staircase. Maybe, there
was something in her posture as she stood nonchalantly with her
chin in the air, but Brenna got the impression that Hallie was
pleased with the discord she had caused.
    * * * * *
    The next morning Brenna slept in. She wanted to avoid
eating breakfast with the others. When she felt it was safe, she
went down to the dining hall and helped herself to the buffet. The
cook was serving chocolate chip pancakes which were to die for, but
she couldn’t eat with her life in shambles. Dylan was neglecting
her. Hallie was mad at her. Marissa thought she was insensitive.
What else could go wrong?
    “Good morning.”
    Brenna was jolted out of her thoughts as Chelsea
joined her at the table. She had a small helping of pancakes on her
plate and a cup of coffee.
    Gazing at Brenna thoughtfully, Chelsea took a seat
beside her. “Didn’t you hear me the first time? I greeted you when
I first came in, but you didn’t seem to hear me.”
    “I have a lot on my mind,” Brenna admitted, mashing
the pancakes on her plate with her fork.
    “Like what?”
    “Dylan and I had a fight last night...”
    “Oh, no,” Chelsea said, appearing concerned. “What
    “Something stupid,” Brenna said, shaking her head at
her behavior. “I let Hallie manipulate me into arguing with him. I
listened to her lies, but it will never happen again.”
    Chelsea nodded. “Make sure it doesn’t... Or else, I
will have to step in, and that... might get ugly.”
    There was enough steel in Chelsea’s voice to make
Brenna shiver. “I’ve got it covered,” she said, feeling suddenly
fearful. She excused herself from the table and left the dining
hall in a hurry.
    As she made her way to the reception area, she
wondered if she should pay a visit to Marissa, but an incredible
need to see Dylan came over her. Stopping at the large lobby,
Brenna tried to think of where Dylan would be. She thought he could
be in the dance hall, running through all the liquor the bar had to
offer with Orman. However, Dylan wasn’t much of a rule breaker so
she knew that searching for him there would be a waste of time.
There was an arcade by the lobby, but she knew he wouldn’t be found
there. Dylan never wasted his time with video games. The
pool , she thought, knowing he would prefer to be outdoors.
    Making her way to the deck, she thought of what she
would say to him. Did he even want to talk to her at that point?
She didn’t care. She had to know where they stood in their
    When she finally reached the deck, she breathed in
the salty
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