Our Song

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Book: Our Song Read Online Free PDF
Author: Ashley Bodette
yourselves for 48 hours or so?”
    What? Both of our parents, who are normally extremely overprotective when it comes to this sort of thing, are going to just let Asher and I stay at the cabin while they’re out on the water? Just the two of us? Apparently I am more worried about this situation than our parents are. And just thinking about it makes me nervous…what are we going to do for that long without the distraction of our families being around?
    “I don’t think that will be a problem, Mrs. Amy. As we all know, Becca here is a formidable cook. And we promise not even to light the campfire while everyone is gone, so no worries about burning down the cabin. Scout's honor.”
    "Someone's been studying their SAT vocabulary," I say.
    I can’t believe Asher so readily answered my mother about us staying out of trouble while they’re gone. Does that mean he doesn’t have any feelings toward me other than friendship? Or is it that he wants to stay here alone with me? Maybe I don’t want to stay here alone with him…it could be dangerous toward my heart health.
    “First of all, Asher, I’m glad you’re so polite, calling me Mrs. Amy all the time, but you’re an adult now, and it makes me feel old. Please just call me Amy. Second, we trust you guys, and I’m sure you’ll be fine. But thank you in advance for not burning anything while we’re gone. Better to be safe than sorry. We’ll have a campfire tonight, and maybe tomorrow night too, so you won’t have to miss out on it completely.”
    Campfires with our two families are one of my favorite things. There’s lots of singing, and laughter; this may be just what I need to help pull me out of this funk I keep falling into. Just then, Asher’s mom reaches the top of the stairs. “That sounds awesome, Mom. Do you need my help with anything for supper?” I’m starting to feel like maybe I need to create a little space between Asher and me after our trip to the candy store, and the car ride home.
    “Thanks for offering.” She pauses, looking over at Asher’s mom then back at me. “But I think Laura and I already have everything well in hand. So you guys just run along and do whatever you want the rest of the evening, and we’ll let you know when supper’s ready.”
    “Sounds good, Mrs.—I mean Amy. Becca and I will be down in the game room. We have a little unfinished game-playing to take care of.” He smiles, winking at me, and turns to start walking toward the stairs.
    “Asher, would you mind sending Rich and your dad back up here, then? I need them to run down the road to the bait shop and get a tank of propane for the grill.”
    “Will do.”
    As Asher heads down the stairs, I turn back to my mom. “Are you sure there’s nothing I can help you with?”
    She shakes her head, smiling. “Nope. In fact, I don’t want your help. I want you to get your be-hind down those stairs and play whatever game you and Asher are supposed to be playing. It’ll be good for you. I promise.”
    I sigh, knowing there is no getting out of this now.
    I wonder what game Asher has in mind…and what he’s going to ask for if he wins.
    After kicking our dads out of the game room, Asher grabs a deck of cards off the shelf. “You know how to play golf?”
    “I do…”
    “Alright, then that’s what I want to play. What do you want if you win?”
    That’s a great question. What do I want? “Umm…if I win this time, I want…I want you to play and sing ‘Silhouettes on the Shade’ with me when we have the campfire tonight.” I figure this is a pretty safe thing to ask for, and I love singing harmony on that song, even if it is ancient.
    Asher’s smile makes me melt a little inside. “Becca, I’ll do that anyway. You don’t have to win a game to get that from me. Pick something else.”
    Now what am I going to ask for? “Ooookay. If I win, you have to…watch three episodes of Doctor Who with me tonight after we come in from the campfire.” He
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