Our Song

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Book: Our Song Read Online Free PDF
Author: Ashley Bodette
feels good to get hit on. She was hot. But I’m here with Becca, so I take the receipt and crumple it up, dumping it in the cup holder.
    I am a gentleman, after all.
    As I put the car in Reverse, I take a quick look at Becca before putting my hand on the back of her headrest to back out. She’s looking out her window, but I can see in the reflection of the window that she has a huge grin on her face, although she’s also twisting her purity ring around her finger. I wonder if it’s because of what just happened…
    After I put the car in Drive, I decide to test that theory. I try to nonchalantly reach for her hand, keeping my eyes focused on the road. When I first get my hand wrapped around her fingers, she gasps and starts to pull away. But I move my hand so I can link our fingers together, and give her hand a small squeeze.
    She lets me move our hands to rest on the center console. I risk taking a glance at her, but she’s back to looking out the window, and this time I can’t see her face in the reflection. I decide to take her not pulling away from me as permission to continue holding her hand. And I’m glad she lets me.
    When Becca was dating Trip, and I wasn’t able to spend any real time with her, of course I missed her. But it wasn’t until today, when I discovered how good it felt just to be able to touch her again, that I realized just how much I had missed her.
    No matter what happens this week, I am never going to let Becca get far enough away from me to miss her like that ever again.

I'm supposed to be packing my bags for move-in day at UW. But instead, I'm flipping through my journal, trying to find the lists of things I wrote down earlier this summer that I thought might remind Becca why she belongs to me.
    She was almost perfect in April. If she just would have talked to Mr. West, like she said she would, I would have been able to show her how good listening to me can be. But instead, she lied to me, and I had to show her what happens when she violates my trust.
    If I can just find something in those lists, a way to prove to her that I know what's best for her, then when she graduates next year, she'll be moving in with me at UW.

Chapter Four
    When we get back to the cabin, I can see Livvie is still out on the dock, getting her tan on, but I don’t see anyone else outside. I walk up the stairs to go in on the second floor. “Mom, Dad?”
    “We’re here,” I hear my mom say, who is just walking up from downstairs. It kind of surprises me that they’re inside. My parents are usually the first ones out in the morning, and the last ones to come back in at night. But maybe Asher’s parents don’t want to spend as much time outdoors as mine do. “Where did you go?”
    “Sorry I didn’t let you know before we left. I took Asher—“
    “Becca was just showing me around downtown. I asked her what there was to do around here, besides the obvious things on the lake.”
    I wonder why he’s kind of lying to my mom. Not that it’s a huge lie, but Asher isn’t normally one to omit the truth.
    “Yeah, I took him to Rush. And don’t worry, I brought back your allotment of chocolate covered pretzels, so you don’t have to go into town for them, if you don’t want to.” Mom only allows herself two chocolate covered pretzels each time we come up here. She’s so worried about her figure, which is ridiculous, because she’s skinnier than I am, but whatever.
    “Thanks, Becca. I might just take you up on that, in case we don’t make it into town. Laura and Robert, and your father and I, were thinking about taking the houseboat out Monday afternoon, and sleeping out on the water that evening and the next, so we might not make it to Rush this week. Your sister was invited by that family down the road—the Davidsons, who have those two twin girls she used to play with?—to spend the night those two nights as well. Do you think the two of you can handle taking care of
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