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Book: Otherkin Read Online Free PDF
Author: Nina Berry
they’re young, like me?”
    He nodded. “You learn control as you get older. Shifters first start changing form when they hit puberty. Their families help them learn to control it, or there are callers who help train the ones who have difficulty with it. Here’s the off-ramp.”
    He pointed to the exit, and I curved right. Ahead, a brightly lit sign announced the price of gas and pointed the way to a small Eat and Go mart. Its umbrella of light enveloped it like a shield against the endless dark of the surrounding desert.
    I pulled into a parking space next to the only other car in the lot and realized what was missing. “Do you have any money?”
    “Shit!” He patted his pockets. “Nothing. Bastards took everything, which wasn’t much.” He leaned over to stare at the gas gauge. His nearness made my stomach jump. “How much gas do we have left?”
    “Less than a quarter tank,” I said. “We’ll never get out of the desert.”
    “Okay, new mission. Search the car.” He reached down under my seat, head nearly in my lap. “There’s got to be some money in it somewhere, even if it’s just some change.”
    “Good idea.” I tried to control my breath. “I’ll check the trunk.”
    I got out of the car fast and popped the trunk. The dry, cool air of the desert night felt welcome on my hot skin. His proximity rattled me.
    I lifted up the trunk lid. The harsh fluorescent lights of the convenience store shone down on a couple of manila folders, a flat shiny box, a Christian rock CD, two tennis racquets, and three loose, bright green balls. “Lazar plays tennis,” I said loud enough for Caleb to hear.
    “Why does that make perfect sense?” said Caleb. “Bet you five bucks I find something in the glove compartment.”
    “And how will you pay me if you don’t find it?” I asked, reaching for the shiny box. I pulled it toward me, then snapped my hand away as it burned like a hot stove. I shook my fingers. “And there’s a very pretty silver box back here that I can’t open.”
    “Be right there.” Fumbling noises came from the front of the car. “Score!” He jumped out of the car, brandishing a couple of bills. “Forty bucks! Right where I said it would be. Wanna bet me now?”
    “That’ll get us enough gas to get me home, plus some snacks.”
    He nodded. “Okay. If we’re lucky, they’ll have one of those hot dog merry-go-rounds.” He stuffed the money in his pocket and came to stand next to me facing the trunk. “Interesting box.”
    “You can touch silver, right?” I said.
    “Most of the time. It only affects me when I’m actively calling something out of shadow.” He leaned over and tugged the box toward him. “It’s locked.”
    “Here.” I handed him the ring of Lazar’s keys. “Bound to be on here somewhere.”
    “Thanks.” He shuffled through the keys and found a small shiny one. “This looks right.”
    The key slid into the lock on the box. As he turned it, the lid clicked open. I inhaled sharply. Caleb became very still.
    A large pistol nestled in black velvet gleamed inside the box. Two burnished magazines of bullets sat in their own form-fitting slots.
    “The gun isn’t silver too, is it?” I didn’t want to touch it and find out. I’d never touched a gun, let alone fired one. My stomach fluttered just looking at it.
    “They make them out of an alloy that includes silver. Typical Tribunal weapon.” He touched the gun, then tugged one of the magazines out of its niche. “But the bullets are silver. Through and through.”
    “Close it up.” I scanned the front of the Eat and Go and found a security camera under the eaves.
    He slid the magazine back into place and snapped the box closed. “Good thinking. If we end up needing more money, we can pawn it.”
    I made a face at him. “Before we end up in jail, why don’t you go pay for the gas. I’ll check around the trunk for change.”
    He grinned. “I’ll get food too.” He waved the money at me. “Hot dog
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