Other Worlds

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Book: Other Worlds Read Online Free PDF
Author: KATHY
friends did not desert them during this dreadful period. Every night there were at least four persons present, listening in horror and expostulating with the vile voices. The evening usually ended with Blackdog threatening the other spirits with murder unless they desisted, and thrashing them if they refused to obey. On one occasion all four were beastly drunk, singing maudlin songs and filling the house with the stench of whiskey. They got it, Blackdog explained, at the still house of John Gardner, one of the neighbors.
    Fortunately for Mr. Bell's sanity, this period did not last long. The witch family took to singing pious hymns instead of drinking songs, and finally departed, leaving "Kate"—the old familiar Spirit—in possession.
    The inquirers never learned the answer to one of their questions. The Spirit did not explain its origin or give any clue as to how it could be dismissed. The second question—its purpose in coming—was answered. The Spirit was such a congenital liar that the inquirers failed to take this reply seriously at first, but in this, if in no other respect, it had told the simple truth. It had come to torment John Bell to death.

    From the drunken vulgarities of the witch family to the sweet singing of hymns, from malicious gossip to pious debates about religion, the Spirit displayed what may seem a striking inconsistency of character. Yet I venture to assert that it was no more inconsistent than most men or women, who are also susceptible to changes in personality—particularly when under the influence of liquor. If we examine its behavior, we will discover an underlying pattern.
    From start to finish it was with the Bells for almost four years. I need not remind you, gentlemen, that this is one of the unique features of the case. Consider some of the implications. Through sheer familiarity the Bells came to regard the incredible presence as an old acquaintance—not one they would have cultivated by choice, perhaps, but no more vexatious in many ways than a grumpy, senile old relation. It is not surprising that after a year or two they accepted it with the same resignation they would have displayed toward any unmannerly human guest.
    We must remember too that during this long period of time the mysterious voice was heard and investigated by dozens of people, some of them skeptical, educated men. Several of the Bells were suspected of fraud by investigators, but they were never caught. One visitor even clapped his hand over Betsy's mouth to see if this would inhibit the Spirits voice. We can be sure that one or more of these skeptics would have proclaimed his triumph to the world if he had solved the mystery. None of them ever did.
    I said that the Spirit demonstrated a certain consistency of personality, and this is nowhere better shown than in its attitude toward visitors. There were not dozens, but hundreds of these, most of them curiosity seekers who came from long distances to watch the show. Mr. Bell bore this with saintly patience, offering food and lodging to as many of the callers as he could accommodate, and never accepting a cent in payment. At times the Bell farm must have resembled a traveling circus, with carriages and wagons hitched to every fencepost, and tents covering the meadows.
    The Spirit enjoyed company and seldom failed to perform. It put on some of its best shows for a certain mysterious "English gentlemen" mentioned by John Junior, who described him as "a high class man of great intelligence." Perhaps John had simply forgotten the gentleman's name; but he seems to hint at private reasons for keeping it a secret. If the Englishman really existed, he left no record of his encounters with the Spirit, although, according to John Junior, he stayed with the Bells for several months.
    The most memorable of the Spirit's performances involved two of the ministers whom we have already met. This occurred on a Sunday evening, and both pastors had carried out their duties that
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