
Othello Read Online Free PDF Page B

Book: Othello Read Online Free PDF
Author: Reclam
    Â Â Â Â As like enough it will, I’ld have it copied;
    Â Â Â Â Take it, and do ’t, and leave me for this time.
    BIANCA . Leave you, wherefore?
    CASSIO. I do attend here on the general, [195]
    Â Â Â Â And think it no addition , nor my wish,
    Â Â Â Â To have him see me woman’d.
    BIANCA. Why, I pray you?
    CASSIO. Not that I love you not.
    BIANCA. But that you do not love me:
    Â Â Â Â I pray you bring me on the way a little,
    Â Â Â Â And say, if I shall see you soon at night. [200]
    CASSIO. ’Tis but a little way that I can bring you,
    Â Â Â Â For I attend here, but I’ll see you soon.
    BIANCA. ’Tis very good, I must be circumstanc’d .
    Act IV
    Scene 1
    The same.
    Enter Iago and Othello.
    IAGO. Will you think so?
    OTHELLO. Think so, Iago?
    IAGO. What,
    Â Â Â Â To kiss in private?
    OTHELLO. An unauthoriz’d kiss.
    IAGO. Or to be naked with her friend abed ,
    Â Â Â Â An hour, or more, not meaning any harm?
    OTHELLO. Naked abed, Iago, and not mean harm? [5]
    Â Â Â Â It is hypocrisy against the devil:
    Â Â Â Â They that mean virtuously, and yet do so,
    Â Â Â Â The devil their virtue tempt s , and they tempt heaven.
    IAGO. So they do nothing, ’tis a venial slip ;
    Â Â Â Â But if I give my wife a handkerchief – [10]
    OTHELLO. What then?
    IAGO. Why then ’tis hers, my lord, and being hers,
    Â Â Â Â She may, I think, bestow ’t on any man.
    OTHELLO. She is protectress of her honour too,
    Â Â Â Â May she give that? [15]
    IAGO. Her honour is an essence that’s not seen,
    Â Â Â Â They have it very oft that have it not:
    Â Â Â Â But for the handkerchief –
    OT HELLO. By heaven, I would most gladly have forgot it:
    Â Â Â Â Thou said’st (O, it comes o’er my memory, [20]
    Â Â Â Â As doth the raven o’er the infected house,
    Â Â Â Â  Boding to all) he had my handkerchief.
    IAGO. Ay, what of that?
    OTHELLO. That’s not so good now.
    IAGO. What if I had said I had seen him do you wrong?
    Â Â Â Â Or heard him say – as knaves be such abroad, [25]
    Â Â Â Â Who having, by their own importunate suit,
    Â Â Â Â Or voluntary dotage of some mistress,
    Â Â Â Â Convinced or supplied them, cannot choose
    Â Â Â Â But they must blab –
    OTHELLO. Hath he said anything?
    IAGO. He hath, my lord, but be you well assur’d, [30]
    Â Â Â Â No more than he’ll unswear .
    OTHELLO. What hath he said?
    IAGO. Faith, that he did ... I know not what he did.
    OTHELLO. But what?
    IAGO. Lie.
    OTHELLO. With her?
    IAGO. With her, on her, what you will.
    OTHELLO. Lie with her, lie on her? – We say lie on her, [35] when they belie her, – lie with her, zounds, that’s fulsome ! Handkerchief – confessions – handkerchief! To confess, and be hanged for his labour. First, to be hanged, and then to confess; I tremble at it. Nature would not invest herself in such [40] shadowing passion without some instruction. It is not words that shake me thus. Pish ! Noses, ears and lips. Is ’t possible? – Confess? – Handkerchief? – O devil!
    (He falls down.)
    IAGO. Work on, [45]
    Â Â Â Â My medicine, work: thus credulous fools are caught,
    Â Â Â Â And many worthy and chaste dames, even thus
    Â Â Â Â All guiltless, meet reproach. What ho, my lord,
    Â Â Â Â My lord, I say! Othello! ...
    (Enter Cassio.)
    Â Â Â Â  How now, Cassio?
    CASSI O. What’s the matter? [50]
    IAGO. My lord is fall’n into an epilepsy,
    Â Â Â Â This is his second fit , he had one yesterday.
    CASSIO. Rub him about the temple s .
    IAGO. No, forbear ,
    Â Â Â Â The lethargy must have his quiet course,
    Â Â Â Â If not, he foam s at mouth, and by and by [55]
    Â Â Â Â Breaks out to savage madness:
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