Origin ARS 6

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Book: Origin ARS 6 Read Online Free PDF
Author: Scottie Futch
need to be in the building to acquire new jobs, and they would not be taking anything else that started from Valkovia this time.
    While they waited for the bus, Ero found an interesting mission. Scott smiled softly then looked it over in greater detail.
    [Public Service Announcement #137]
    A Seat for Baby
    Hi! My wife and I just had a baby, and we have not had a chance to get to town in order to buy a proper car seat for our newborn bundle of joy. Can you please pick one up, preferably a blue one since our little wonder is a boy. We'll fully reimburse you, plus ten percent, though... we do have a certain budget to keep. If we could get it within the next two days that would be wonderful!
    ~ Proud Papa in White Oak
    Mission Requirements: Purchase a [ Blue Baby Seat ] for a little boy. The value of the seat cannot exceed one gold coin.
    Success: Purchase a baby seat and deliver it to [ Proud Papa ] at his farm near White Oak within the next two days. Do not charge him more than 11,000 copper Fayth for the task.
    Failure: Fail to deliver a blue baby seat before time expires. Charge more than the budget outlined for the car seat.
    Rewards: Reimbursement of the purchase price for the car seat plus ten percent, up to 11,000 copper Fayth. Increase in respect from Proud Papa and the people of White Oak.
    Penalty: Proud Papa will lose respect for you and become sad.
    Scott reached out and offered a finger to Ero. The fairy girl hugged his finger tightly and giggled a little. Rhea thought it was a good mission as well, so they accepted it. While they rode the bus over to the flower shop, Rhea checked through the prices for a baby seat online. A low whistle escaped her lips as she noted the cost for most of the decent looking ones.
    "Expensive?" asked Ero, hesitantly.
    "A little. We can get a medium priced one for about thirty-seven silver on premium sale, even less with our discount, and have it delivered to the farm," said Rhea.
    "Won't the delivery fees eat up our reward?" asked Scott, curiously.
    "Not really. We are VIP customers, remember? We get a discount that varies a little by store, but will reduce the cost by at least ten percent."
    "I see... So, are we charging Proud Papa full price?" asked Scott.
    "Can't really do that and not fail the mission. We can only charge what we paid, plus ten percent," said Rhea. She smiled after she said it, however. "What we can do is order it online and have it shipped to their farm. It'll arrive by tomorrow afternoon at the latest. The delivery fee they charge us will raise the price a little, but won't go over the budget."
    "Ah, I see. So we have it delivered to them and they just pay us a little more since the total cost would be higher than what we would have had to pay if we went into the store in person."
    "Yep. I'll make it a rush delivery." she fiddled with her Crysta-Com for a moment then nodded. "With one day rush guaranteed, we can get it to them for forty-five hundred copper... If they'd tried to buy it themselves they would have had to pay full price and then some since I doubt they are VIP customers. The sale was for VIPs only."
    "What would they have had to pay originally? Can we send a note with the package to show them how much they saved for working with us?" asked Scott, a bit of mercenary marketeering had arisen within his heart upon realizing what they could do.
    "Original price for Non-VIPS was forty-two silver. It would have been forty-five or so with delivery fees. We get a further ten percent discount, so the thirty-seven hundred copper cost, dropped to thirty-three hundred thirty copper. Total cost of purchase and delivery thirty-six hundred sixty copper."
    "Not bad... were there any more expensive ones within the budget?" asked Scott. By working the delivery system they would gain an extra thirty-six copper for the deal.
    Rhea shook her head. "If we had more time to comparison shop, we could probably find one. But most
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